General session & Plenary session
Details will be announced on this page as soon as they are finalized.- Date:25th, Nov., 2024 - 27th, Nov., 2024 (28th, Nov.: Technical Tour)
Venue:Sendai International Center (Sendai, Japan)
Please check the latest PDF files.
1. Future Technologies Program : Updated on 29th, Oct.
2. The 15th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology Program (Updated on 24th, Oct.)
Please check your presentation number in the program and include it in the designated sections of your manuscript and slides.
Co-operation with
The 41st Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems (IEEJ)
The 16th Symposium on Integrated MEMS Technology (JSAP)
Registration for the Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology entitles you to attend all symposium presentations.
Prenary Talk
26th, Nov.(Tue) 17:35-18:15 (26P4-M-1)
For strengthening Japan’s industrial competitiveness
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
President and CEO
Mr. Kazuhiko Ishimura
Award Presentation
25th, Nov. (Mon) 15:30-17:00 (25P3-A-1)
Application of MEMS sensors to engine research
Meiji University
Osamu Nakabeppu, Ph.D.
Invited talk
25th, Nov.(Mon) 14:05-15:20 (25P2-A)
25P2-A-1Fabrication of fluidic devices using 3D printing technology
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Associate Professor
Michinao Hashimoto, Ph.D.
Analysis of single-cell gene expression and dynamics in a three-dimensional cancer microenvironment
Institute for Life And Medical Sciences, Kyoto Univesity
Assistant Professor, Professor
Misa Minegishi, Ph. D., Hirofumi Shintaku, Ph. D.
Challenges in materials visualization using the NanoTerrasu synchrotron radiation facility
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart, Tohoku University
Shimpei Ono, Ph. D.
Future Technologies Invited Talk
27th, Nov. (Wed) 13:50-15:20
Development of Liquid Biopsy Technology Using Dynamically Deforming Microfilter Devices
Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
Associate Professor
Yuta Nakashima, Ph. D.