Instructions for Speakers (updated date: Jun 29)

General information

  • You have 8 mins for presentation and 4 mins discussion with the audiences.
  • ICAM2021 is entirely online and taking place over Zoom live session.


  • All ICAM 2021 live content will be accessible via Zoom. If you are new to Zoom, please visit the following links to help you get started.
  • A fast and high-capacity Internet connection is recommended.
  • The camera and microphone are required. The headset is recommended.

Joining the session

  • ICAM2021 will be held in a single session.
  • Prepare your workspace for the session
    • Minimize distractions, silence any phones
    • Close unnecessary windows/applications
    • Remove or hide any confidential or inappropriate content
    • Disable pop-up notifications where applicable (e.g. Outlook)
  • Check your microphone, camera and screen sharing
    • If you’re using an external microphone or camera, make sure to plug them in
    • When using presenter view, please check if your presentation, not the presenter view, is shared for audience.
  • Connect to the session using the Zoom link which will be notified in advance to the presenters (If you have the Zoom app installed, open the link using the Zoom app)
  • Click on Join Audio by Computer, enable your microphone, and start your video. (If you’re having problems, let the volunteer know.)
  • (Please find your account name in the participation list and) Add "(Presenter)" to your account name which is appeared on the participation list.
  • Mute your mike, stop your camera, and wait.
  • Locate the session chair/co-chair
    • Session chairs will show up as (Chair) (Co-host) in the participant list
  • Locate the session volunteer
    • Session volunteers will show up as (Volunteer) (Host) in the participant list

Make presentation

  • Get your presentation ready
    • Make sure any files you need are on your computer and tested: using offline copies of your files will reduce the risk of connection issues, and do not rely on online resources during your presentation.
  • Double-check that you do not have any unnecessary/confidential/private files or programs open
  • Unmute yourself
  • Start screen sharing
  • Confirm with the chair/co-chair that your screen is visible