Instructions for Authors

Flow of Submission

The authors can choose two types of submissions:

  1. Submission of "Extended Abstract" to ICAM
  2. Simultaneous submissions of "Full Paper" to ROBOMECH Journal and "Extended Abstract" to ICAM

See the flowchart for 2021 below.

Preparation of Submission

1. Submission of "Extended Abstract" to ICAM

Authors have to prepare their “Extended Abstract”s using the available LaTeX or MS Word templates (A4 size). They have to use the latest templates and do not change the formatting in any way. We strongly encourage authors to use the available templates.

The articles must be written in English with a maximum number of 2 pages in the template format. An additional pages will NOT be permitted when submitting the article. Please note that prospective authors must submit the initial draft of their “Extended Abstract” in PDF format through the conference submission system EasyChair (see the link below) by Mar. 19, 2021. The size of PDF file should be less than 5MB. Please make a check in EasyChair when submitting the paper if the first author and the presenter at ICAM 2021 is a student since ICAM 2021 will present the Best Student Paper Awards (See the detail in [Review and Acceptance Notification]).

After the authors receive the acceptance notification of the abstract, authors have to prepare their camera-ready “Extended Abstract”s. Please submit the final “Extended Abstract” in PDF format through the conference submission system EasyChair (see the link below) by May 17, 2021.

2. Simultaneous submissions of "Full Paper" to ROBOMECH Journal and "Extended Abstract" to ICAM

Authors have to prepare their papers for ROBOMECH Journal. For the details, see the website of ROBOMECH Journal.

The articles must be written in English in the “Full Paper” format of ROBOMECH Journal. Please note that prospective authors must submit the initial draft of their “Full Paper” in PDF format through the conference submission system by Mar. 19, 2021. Please make a check in EasyChair when submitting the paper if the first author and the presenter at ICAM 2021 is a student since ICAM 2021 will present the Best Student Paper Awards (See the detail in [Review and Acceptance Notification]).

After the authors receive the acceptance notification of the paper, authors have to prepare their 1-2 pages of “Extended Abstract”s of the initial “Full Paper” using the available LaTeX or MS Word templates (A4 size). See the detail in [Submission of "Extended Abstract" to ICAM]. Please submit the final “Extended Abstract” in PDF format through the conference submission system EasyChair (see the link below) by May 17, 2021. The size of PDF file should be less than 5MB.

At the same time, the authors have to revise the “Full Paper” and submit it to ROBOMECH Journal by Jul. 31, 2021. Before the submission, JSME members can choose the financial support of proofreading the English paper. If authors want to apply it, please contact to Robotics & Mechatronics Division, JSME. See the link in detail.

After the submission, the review process is independent from ICAM 2021. Please follow the process of ROBOMECH Journal.

Review and Acceptance Notification

The submitted papers are subject to a rigorous peer review by at least two referees. The acceptance notification of the reviewed papers will be sent to the authors by Apr. 27, 2021. ICAM 2021 will present the Best Paper Awards and the Best Student Paper Awards to recognize outstanding papers published in the conference proceedings. Student paper means, that the first author of the paper is a student, and the paper must be presented by that student. The awards will be judged by an Awards Committee and the recipient of each award will be given a certificate of the award to be presented during the conference closing on the last day at ICAM 2021.

If authors have problems in submission through the website, please feel free to contact the secretariat through e-mail:

Email address


Submission Link (EasyChair):

How to submit your paper through EasyChair: