Plenary Talk


Prof. Dr. Max Meng

Southern University of Science and Technology

Max's face photo

Talk Title

Advanced Mechatronic Systems: From Service Robots to Medical Robots

Talk Abstract

Research on robotics and advanced mechatronic systems is attracting more and more public attention and research efforts during the past decades. Recent revolutionary development and drastic progress in AI and robotic technology in terms of both hardware capability and software power have made it possible for researchers to redefine what advanced mechatronic systems are capable of achieving to facilitate complicated task procedures with much less efforts and more intelligence. In this talk, we will start with an introduction to how research on robotics and advanced mechatronic systems started and what the milestone achievements are, and then move onto our own research efforts on service and medical robotics with several case study examples. Personal thoughts and outlook on future research efforts and potentials will be outlined to conclude the talk.


Max Q.-H. Meng is currently a Chair Professor and the Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, on leave from the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Victoria, Canada, in 1992. He joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 as a Professor and later the Chairman of Department of Electronic Engineering. He was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta in Canada, where he served as the Director of the ART (Advanced Robotics and Teleoperation) Lab and held the positions of Assistant Professor (1994), Associate Professor (1998), and Professor (2000), respectively. He is an Honorary Chair Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology and Zhejiang University, and also the Honorary Dean of the School of Control Science and Engineering at Shandong University, in China. His research interests include robotics, perception and intelligence. He has published more than 750 journal and conference papers and book chapters and led more than 60 funded research projects to completion as Principal Investigator. He has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief and editorial board of a number of international journals and as the General Chair or Program Chair of many international conferences, including the General Chair of IROS 2005 and General Chair of ICRA 2021 to be held in Xi’an in June 2021. He served as an Associate VP for Conferences of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2004-2007), Co-Chair of the Fellow Evaluation Committee and an elected member of the AdCom of IEEE RAS. He is a recipient of the IEEE Millennium Medal, a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and an Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.