Instructions for Papers
[Documents Submitted]
Manuscript (PDF), Abstract for J-stage, Data for Coference Digest (abstract, figures), *Movie file (*Option, mpeg format only)
Manuscript, data for conference digest and movie fiile must be submitted through the Paper submission page. The submission due date is March 20, 2009 (firm).
Sample Camera-ready Paper (pdf) , (MS-Word template is here) is available. Main specifications for page building are as followings:
1. |
Manuscripts will be published as DVD-ROM proceedings. Please follow the
PDF sample format. Page number, paper number, conference name are edited by publisher, do
not specify these information on the maniscript. Each manuscript must keep the following margins. |
2. |
Papers must be written either in Japanese or English. Typeface for papers must be Times New Roman. Papers should follow the ROBOMEC double-column format. The first page of the paper, centered on the top and just below the top
margin, should include the paper title, the authors' names and their affiliations,
e-mail address and an abstract. Abstract (100 - 150 words) must be written
in English. Keywords follow the abstract, and put a circle before the name
of presenter. |
3. |
Each manuscript must be in 2 to 4 pages. Maximus size are followings.
4. |
Confirm the following regulations of publishing the papers for Robomec. Papers submitted must be original, and previously unpublished. The responsibility for the contents of published articles rests solely with the authors and not the society. Copyright of the materials published in the DVD-ROM belongs to the JSME. |
[Conference Digest]
Conference digest will be published as a book. Brief outlines of the manuscript
and a figure must be submitted from the upload page of the Robomec web
site. In addition, Authors should provide a high-resolution image file
for a digest book: at more than 350dpi; 55[mm] wide and 55 [mm] high; 760x760
pixel image. Figure file should be formatted in JPG style. Refer to this sample page.
Authors who registered to submit a movie at the participating registration are allowed to upload an MPG movie file (MPEG layer-1) .
The total size of the manuscript file and the movie file must be smaller than 4Mbytes.
Instruction for presentations will come soon.