APCFS2024 (Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2024)

Application for presentation


  1. One Extended Abstract should be submitted per one presentation.
  2. Extended Abstract should be prepared according to the format in MS-Word and submitted as a PDF file.
    Link to FORMAT
  3. There are two options for Extended Abstract. Please use one of the followings:
    Type A: Text abstract and Keywords in one page.
    This type of Extended Abstract will be published only in Online Abstract Book of APCFS 2024 available during the conference.
    Type B: Text abstract in 200-300 words and Keywords followed by body text, which is two to six pages in total including figures and tables.
    This type of Extended Abstract will be published in Online Abstract Book of APCFS 2024 available during the conference and also in Conference Proceedings on J-STAGE (https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/) after the conference.
  4. If you are JSME member, please enter your JSME membership number when you submit Extended Abstract.
  5. Presentations (both in oral and poster) by young researchers will be evaluated and some of them will be awarded. For the reason, young researcher born after April 1990 are requested to enter his/her birth year and month when submitting Extended Abstract.
  6. The copyright of Extended Abstract in Type B should be transferred to the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Otherwise Extended Abstract will not be published in J-STAGE.

Deadline of Extended Abstract Submission

23:59 of October 7, 2024  October 25, 2024, Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)

Please note that after 23:59 of October 7, 2024  October 25, 2024, acceptance of extended abstracts through the server will be automatically closed and submissions will no longer be accepted.
The server can appear busy just before the deadline, so we recommend that you submit your abstracts early.


APCFS is eligible to grant JSME Young Researcher Award to eminent presentation.