
Online Submission System

Overview of Screening Process

In this conference, the screening is performed in two steps by reviewing:

  1. Abstract (100 - 300 words), and
  2. Extended Abstract (2-5 pages).

Presentation at the conference is fully accepted when the following requirements are satisfied:

  1. Acceptance of the Extended Abstract, and
  2. Registration of at least one of the authors by the due date of Final Extended Abstract.

Once the Extended Abstract is accepted, the authors are requested to submit the final version of Extended Abstract (with a relevant revision) for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Online Submission System

Your contribution should be submitted online by using our Online Submission System. The procedure common to the submissions of the initial Abstract, Extended Abstract, and Final Extended Abstract is as follows.

  1. Create a new login account (If you already have your login account, please skip this step.)
    Open the Login page for new author and click [Create New Account] button.
    Please enter your personal information. The information provided will be used only for the operation of PRTEC2024 conference.
  2. Login
    After you created your login account, click [Login] button in the login page.    (If you skipped the previous step, open the login page from the left side menu and enter your e-mail address and password.)

Submission of Abstract (Due extended to July 15, 2024)

For the initial submission of abstract, you need the following information.

  1. Names and affiliations of all authors
    Please check if these are correctly spelled. What you input here will be used in the conference program.
  2. Presentation title
    Presentation title should be fixed at this timing, although a minor modification/correction may be allowed until the deadline for the Final Extended Abstract.
  3. Selection of Track and Topic
    The list of scheduled tracks and topics is available below.
  4. Abstract (100 - 300 words)
    Abstract should give an account of the most relevant contributions of your study. It is also important to indicate briefly the goal, the methods, the results, and conclusions. Avoid abbreviations and references: it must be self-contained
  5. Keywords (3-5 words)

When aforementioned information is ready, please submit your abstract on our Online Submission System. Immediately after the submission is completed, an auto-reply mail will be sent to the contributor with the Presentation ID in a form of "PRTEC-XXXXX", which is the same as the Contribution ID in the submission system. Please keep this Presentation ID for your future reference. After the review process, a notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author by July 15, 2024.

Submission of Extended Abstract (Due August 15, 2024)

Once your abstract is accepted, you are requested to submit an Extended Abstract (A4 size, 2-5 pages). The detailed instruction for the Extended Abstract is explained in the Template below. Please read the instruction carefully in preparing your Extended Abstract.

For other word-processing softwares, please refer to the PDF version (Ver. 2024-03-29, 378 kB) and set the style approximately the same.

Before submission, please check again that your Presentation ID (issued at the timing of initial abstract submission) is correctly substituted to "PRTEC-XXXXX" in the header. Also confirm that your abstract does not include ethically problematic materials, e.g., description of military purpose, illegal use of copyrighted material, etc.

The Extended Abstract should be in a single PDF file (max. 4 Mbytes). The file name is arbitrary (with the extension of ".pdf"), but please do not use 2-byte characters such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean letters to avoid unexpected troubles.Please submit your Extended Abstract on the submission system (i.e., from [Login] in the menu) by June. 30, 2019. There will be no deadline extension this time due to the tight schedule. This Extended Abstract is sent out for review, and notification of acceptance (with comments from reviewers, if any) will be sent to the corresponding author by July 15, 2019

Submission of Final Extended Abstract (Due September 30, 2024)

Revise the Extended Abstract by taking into account the comments from reviewers, if any, and submit the final version of Extended Abstract for inclusion in the proceedings.

All contributors must upload the Final Extended Abstract for inclusion in the proceedings, even if there is no modification from the initial Extended Abstract.

The final version of the extended abstract that does not conform to the correct format will not be included in the proceedings. There will be no opportunity to alter it after the submission of the final version.

Note: The PRTEC2024 will provide a book of extended abstracts in an electronic form (distributed to registrants via the website) only. Authors of the extended abstracts are not required to transfer copyright for their articles to PRTEC2024. Therefore, the authors can submit the contents of their own extended abstract to an appropriate journal with self-responsibility.

Important: Each accepted extended abstract must have at least one paid regular or student registration before October 15, 2024 to ensure that their presentation is included in the conference program and the book of extended abstract.

Tracks and Topics

PRTEC2024 focus on the following tracks and topics.

Track (a) [Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer]

Topic (a-1) Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
Topic (a-2) Computational Heat and Mass Transfer
Topic (a-3) Phase Change Phenomena and Heat Transfer
Topic (a-4) Radiative Heat Transfer
Topic (a-5) Biological Heat and Mass Transfer
Topic (a-6) Measurements and Diagnostics
Topic (a-7) Heat and Mass Transfer in Manufacturing
Topic (a-8) Thermo-Physical Properties

Track (b) [Heat and Mass Transfer in Energy Systems]

Topic (b-1) Fundamentals in Combustion
Topic (b-2) Heat and Mass Transfer in Combustion Systems
(including Micro combustion, Gas turbine, Power plants etc)
Topic (b-3) Heat and Mass Transfer in IC Engine
Topic (b-4) Heat and Mass Transfer in Energy Devices
(including Fuel cell, Solar thermal system, Heat exchangers)
Topic (b-5) Heat and Mass Transfer in Air Conditioners & Refrigeration

Track (c) [Micro/Nano Scale Phenomena and Thermo-Physical Properties]

Topic (c-1) Transport Phenomena in Nano and Molecular Scale Systems
Topic (c-2) Heat and Mass Transfer in MEMS
Topic (c-3) Thermal Properties at the Micro/Nano-scale

Track Chairs


Topic Organizers


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