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Poster Session


The detailed version of the session program is now available!!

General Information (For participants with presentations)

Welcome to Robomec2012 Conference.
In this conference, all presentations will be organized into poster sessions. The duration of each session is 90 minutes. Among the 90 minutes, former or latter 45 minutes are assigned as a core time for each presentation. AC100V power source will be available at each booth, so you will be able to use your laptop to show movies etc.

A session program and instructions for poster presentation are shown below.

Session Program

The detailed version of the session program is now available!

Detailed Version of Session Program

 All Sessions (PDF)
 Session : 1A1 (PDF)
 Session : 1A2 (PDF)
 Session : 1P1 (PDF)
 Session : 2A1 (PDF)
 Session : 2A2 (PDF)
 Session : 2P1 (PDF)

Session Program (Schedule)

DatesSession IDPresentation Time
May 28 (Mon.)1A109:30〜11:00
May 29 (Tue.)2A109:30〜11:00

Session Program (Time Table)

May 28 (Mon.)   09:30-11:00     "1A1"
Tactile and Force Sensing (1/3)
3D Measurement/Sensor Fusion(1/2)
Evolution and Learning for Robotics (1/2)
Haptic Interface
Robotics and Mechatronics in Agriculture
Wheeled Robot / Tracked Vehicle (1/3)
Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (1/3)
Parallel Robot/Mechanisms and its Control
Humanoid (1/2)
Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics (1/2)
Universal Design and Robotics & Mechatronics
Communication Robot
Passive Walking Robot (1/2)
Integrating Ambient Intelligence (1/2)
Bio-Mimetics and Bio-Mechatronics (1/2)
Cooperation between Human and Machine (1/2)
MEMS and Nano-Technology

May 28 (Mon.)   11:30-13:00     "1A2"
[Special OS] : Space Elevator
[Joint Session] :Space Engineering and Robotics and Mechatronics (1)
Tactile and Force Sensing (2/3)
3D Measurement/Sensor Fusion (2/2)
Evolution and Learning for Robotics (2/2)
Non-contact Sensing
Robotics and Mechatronics in Construction and Demolition
Wheeled Robot / Tracked Vehicle (2/3)
Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (2/3)
Humanoid (2/2)
Rehabilitation Robotics and Mechatronics (2/2)
Nursing and Mechatronics
Passive Walking Robot (2/2)
Integrating Ambient Intelligence (2/2)
Bio-Mimetics and Bio-Mechatronics (2/2)
Cooperation between Human and Machine (2/2)
Mobile Manipulation Robot
Nano/Micro Manipulation System

May 28 (Mon.)   14:00-15:30     "1P1"
[Special OS] :Future of Optronics
[Special OS] :Robotics and Mechatronics for Transportation and
                        Manufacturing Machine
[Joint Session] :Space Engineering and Robotics and Mechatronics (2)
[Joint Session] :Car Robotics
Tactile and Force Sensing (3/3)
Intelligent Robotics Space
Robotics for Hazardous Fields
Wheeled Robot / Tracked Vehicle (3/3)
Robot Hand Mechanism and Grasping Strategy (3/3)
Robots for Works
Manufacturing System and Manufacturing Machinery Mechatronics
Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (1/2)
Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics (1/4)
RT Middleware and Open System
Robots for Amusement and Entertainment
Robotics with Safety and Reliability
Nano/Micro Fluid System

May 29 (Tue.)   09:30-11:00      "2A1"
[Joint Session] :Dynamics & Design of Robot System
New Control Theory and Motion Control
Sense, Motion and Measurement (1/3)
Mechanism and Control for Actuator (1/3)
Flexible Robot/Mechanism and its Control
Robots for Home/Office Application
Aerial Robot and Mechatronics (1/2)
Robotic systems based on autonomous decentralized architecture
Localization and Mapping (1/2)
Mobile Robot with Special Mechanism (1/2)
Neurorobotics & Cognitive Robotics
Search and Rescue Robot and Mechatronics (1/2)
Informative Motion & Motion Media
Medical Robotics and Mechatronics (2/2)
Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics (2/4)
Bio Assembler for 3D Cellular System Innovation
Walking Robot (1/2)

May 29 (Tue.)   11:30-13:00      "2A2"
Musculoskeletal modeling
Sense, Motion and Measurement (2/3)
Mechanism and Control for Actuator (2/3)
Mechatronics for Ecology System
Aerial Robot and Mechatronics (2/2)
Underwater Robot and Mechatronics (1/2)
Localization and Mapping (2/2)
Mobile Robot with Special Mechanism (2/2)
Manufacturing Education and Mechatronics/Enjoy Mechatronics DIY (1/2)
Robot Vision (1/2)
RoboCup and Robot Contest
Network Robotics
Search and Rescue Robot and Mechatronics (2/2)
Surgical Robotics and Mechatronics (1/2)
Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics (3/4)
Walking Robot (2/2)

May 29 (Tue.)   14:00-15:30      "2P1"
Wearable Robotics
Sense, Motion and Measurement (3/3)
Mechanism and Control for Actuator (3/3)
Underwater Robot and Mechatronics (2/2)
Manufacturing Education and Mechatronics/Enjoy Mechatronics DIY (2/2)
Robot Vision (2/2)
Robotics & Mechatronics in Hyper Environment
Mechanism and Control for Wire Actuation System
Vision System for Mobile Robot
Cooperation Control of Multi Robots
Smart Mechanism "sMechanism" and its Control
VR and Interface
Digital Human
Microrobot & Micromachine
ITS and Robot Technology
Surgical Robotics and Mechatronics (2/2)
Welfare Robotics and Mechatronics (4/4)

Instructions for Poster Presentaion

Your Presentation ID

Thank you for your contribution to ROBOMEC2012.
You can find out your presentation ID from the following address using your registration ID, RM12-XXXX.
The detailed version will be uploaded soon.

Poster Booth

  • The size of each poster booth is shown in the following figure.
    When you put the poster on the back board, please use thumbtacks we prepared.
    Post the index sheet of A4 landscape size on the upper left corner with following information.
    > Presentation number
    > Session name
    > Core time
    > Authors' name (affilation)

Lecture Time

  • The duration of each session is 90 minutes.
    Among the 90 minutes, former or latter 45 minutes are assigned as a core time for each presentation. During the core time, speakers are requested to make a presentation in front of their own poster.
    For presentations with odd ID numbers (e.g. 1A1-A01, see last digit of the number), the former 45 minutes are assigned as a core time.
    For presentations with even ID numbers (e.g. 1A1-A02), the latter 45 minutes are assigned as a core time.
    Speakers are requested to prepare their posters in the booth before the start of their session. It is possible to prepare the poster 30 minutes prior to the start of each session.
    Speakers are requested to remove their posters at the end of their session as soon as possible.
    If a poster remains put up even 20 minutes after the end of the session, staff will remove it.


  • One power source (AC100V 4A for 2 booths) is available.
    Please prepare extension cables or additional outlets if needed.
    Please use your equipments for demonstration such as computers at your own risk. Please avoid using any equipment that might cause problems such as noise and hazard.


  • Please refrain from sending a poster or an equipment for demonstration to the venue.
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