The Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2014 in Toyama
sponsored by Robotics and Mechatronics Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


Toyama City Gymnasium

Toyama City Gymnasium is main hall of posters and exhibition, It is located in areas where development is progressing new the north when viewed from the Toyama Station. The gymnasium, the main arena of 44m × 57.6m is the venue of this time. It is located at a 5-minute walk from JR Toyama Station Toyama City Gymnasium.

Access to gymnasium

Toyama City International Conference Center

It is located at about 7 min torolley car from Toyama Station south exit. Tutorials, workshops and meeting are held in this place mainly. It is possible to enjoy the downtown area of Toyama from the inside the torolly car, Please enjoy this short trip of Toayama!

Access to International Confoerence Center

→Home page

Gastronomy of Toyama

There are a number of delicious meals in Toyama. This is just one example showed here a dish of Toyama resident comittee recommended.

富山やくぜん 寒ブリ ホタルイカ
寿司1 寿司2 富山ブラック ベニズワイガニ
呉羽梨 ますの寿し 巻かまぼこ
白えび1 白えび2 おすすめ居酒屋1 まるたかや
ジラフ ジュメル つくし


総曲輪 富山城址公園 環水公園 スタバ
松川遊覧船 山王まつり ファボーレ
新湊大橋 海王丸パーク 立山黒部アルペンルート
黒部ダム 黒部峡谷鉄道 国定公園 雨晴海岸
おわら風の盆 ---- ----

Hot springs

ドーミーイン 花の湯館 金太郎温泉
神代温泉 宇奈月温泉 ーーー


