Yutaka Tsuji
(Osaka University)
yourself in JSME-FED activities !
I am currently serving as the Chairman
of the Fluids Engineering Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical
Engineers (JSME-FED). I look forward to your cooperation in fulfilling
this duty. Up to now, the chairman's greeting has been published
in the division's newsletter. However, we ceased to produce a
printed newsletter last year, and the newsletter is now available
only on our web site. I must admit that I'm very concerned about
the number of members that will actually take a look at the newsletter.
On one hand, since our web site is publicly accessible, we can
expect that our newsletter and other content will be read by
a broader variety of people. If anyone comes across this article
happens to click over to some of our other pages and then develops
an interest in our division, well, that would be great. I recognize
that with printed material, long articles can be read at a leisurely
pace, whereas reading long articles on a computer screen can
be rather less convenient and less comfortable. Nonetheless,
since this is our first online greeting, please bear with me.
let me say that it is not my style to go on pretentiously about
my position as chairman of the division. Rather, I want to make
an appeal to encourage you to make use of JSME-FED to get more
enjoyment out of your activities. That's why I gave this article
the title above. As I see it, there are two basic types of member
involvement-"participation," and its opposite, which
we might call "observation." If participation is active
in character, then it's opposite could be called passive. It
seems that the majority of our members are involved with FED
as observers, or in the passive sense. I imagine that there are
various reasons for this, e.g. you are too busy, or you feel
that there are too many academic societies even in Japan. Consequently,
members tend to participate in the events of the society only
when there are events that they can benefit from. This is fine
of course. However, we should remember that JSME is uniquely
valuable, for the simple reason that JSME has many specialists
in any fields within it as members. Furthermore, JSME can have
a significant influence on society. So, why not take advantage
of these features and broaden your horizons by getting actively
involved in JSME ? Now, before you throw yourself into the activities
of JSME-FED, I want to give you an outline of how we are organized
and how we operate. This will make it easier for you to get involved.
The following is an explanation from this perspective.
is administered by an executive committee, consisting of members
selected according to geographical area and field of specialization,
as well as by various committees within the division. Although
the Executive Committee has ultimate decision-making authority,
detailed planning of the division's activities is handled by
the various committees. These committees and their main responsibilities
are described below.
Technical Committee : planning of events such as academic meetings and
seminars, and activities related to awards, etc.
Publicity Committee : web site maintenance and administration, newsletter
publication, flow "dream contests"
Editorial Committee : publications, journal planning
General Affairs Committee : financial affairs of the division, planning
of research groups belonging to the division, various other duties
Membership Committee : membership augmentation and activities related
to member services
The names of the heads of the above committees, as well as the names
of the executive secretary and working group managers are posted on our
web site. While for most members, interaction with the division might
be limited to attendance at the division's meeting or JSME annual conference,
a look at the above committees and their responsibilities makes it clear
that a significant part of the division's activities is to prepare and
provide for these events. (This year, due to the fact that the JSME-KSME
Fluids Engineering Conference will be held in Nagoya in autumn (2002),
our annual FED meeting has been cancelled [KSME = Korea Society of Mechanical
Engineers]. In fact, we are working to provide a place for more diverse
activities. I humbly urge all members to make use of this place and to
freely offer your ideas and proposals concerning the division's activities,
as well as to take the initiative to kick-start new activities.
If you are interested in forming a research group by inviting together
people with similar interests, the division offers a platform that makes
it easier to get your message heard. If you are thinking of starting
up a research group, obtain an application form (be sure to include details
concerning the purpose, the representative's name, and main members)
and e-mail the form to us. The application will be considered by the
General Affairs Committee. The General Affairs Committee can also help
you to get your research group started. Once the decision to start the
group is confirmed, the committee will even provide a grant to cover
Planning of seminars is the responsibility of the Seminar Planning Group
within the Technical Committee. However, any member can propose an idea
for a seminar. Just contact us. Don't feel shy about nominating yourself
to be a lecturer. Really! We'll be happy to hear your ideas. All proposals
will be considered by the Technical Committee, and support for the project
can be provided if necessary. Although we expect to make a profit on
seminars, seminars are held in order to fulfill a part JSME's mission
of organizing educational activities-that is, seminars are not planned
purely for the purpose of making money. Of course, we're pleased if a
seminar happens to turn a profit. Naturally, we would like to avoid losses.
However, seminars that produce a deficit are not unusual.
Member participation can extend even to academic meetings and symposiums.
Remember, there's no need to limit your ideas and proposals to the types
of meetings previously held by JSME-FED. If you have any interesting
ideas about symposiums, please feel free to go ahead and present them.
We are ready to support all of the activities of the division. It is
not necessary to think in terms of a large-scale international symposium-small
symposiums are fine too. The same applies to publications.
what is described above, members can get involved in the activities
of most of the above-mentioned committees.
Journal of JSME serves as a medium for keeping all the members
of the JSME connected. Now that we are no longer issuing a
printed newsletter, members must rely on our web site for news
and information on the activities of the division. Finally,
I have a request to put to the silent majority of members.
If you find, at any time, that the committees responsible for
running the division are not making a sufficient effort, please
point this out. Feel free to offer any criticism you deem appropriate.
Your opinions and comments are always welcome at ttaka@vos.nagaokaut.ac.jp
(Fluids Engineering Division Net Admin.) or tsuji@mech.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
(FED Chairman).