The disciplines that support mechanical engineering are often described as the "three mechanics" (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermo dynamics), or sometimes as the "four mechanics" with the addition of mechanical vibrations. Mechanical engineering systems are created by the application of control, information and intelligence to the above three or four disciplines. Fluid mechanics is a particularly important element in the foundation of mechanical engineering. Fluid power is used as the basis for the operation of various types of motors. Airplanes and cars are outcomes of applications of fluids engineering. On the other hand, fluids are also implicated in many of the environmental problems that are now seriously threatening our modern society. Therefore, fluids engineers are responsible to investigate and develop solutions to these problems. As we push ahead into the 21st century, we can expect this field of knowledge, and the associated technologies, to continue advancing. Numerous dedicated researchers and engineers are striving hard to uncover and harness the limitless potential of fluids by investigating phenomena that range from the molecular to the global. The Fluids Engineering Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME-FED) is made up of people who are working in a variety of engineering applications that are based on fluids engineering. JSME-FED has been active as one of the major divisions of the JSME since the JSME was first structured into separate technical divisions. In fact, JSME-FED has the highest membership among all of the approximately 20 technical divisions of the JSME. The fields comprising JSME-FED are given below.
Basic keywords
Incompressible fluids, compressible fluids, turbulence, multiphase flow, cavitation, non-Newtonian fluids, functional fluids, quantum and molecular dynamics, wave, boundary layers, free surface flows, fluid machinery, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), experimental fluid dynamics (EFD)
Chaos; instability and transitional flows; turbulence control; turbulence diffusion; water hammer; transient flows; pipe flow; jet; wake; diffusers; phase boundaries; supersonic and hypersonic flows; shockwaves; fluid-related vibration; hydro-acoustics; rarefied gas dynamics; biological fluids; combustion and chemical reaction flows; electro-magnetic flows and plasma; magnetic fluids and MR (magneto-rheological) fluids; liquid crystal; super fluid; micro flows; environmental flows; atmospheric and ocean flows; wind power, tidal power and wave power; open channels, wind tunnels; flow measurement and flow visualization; flow control; fluid machinery elements; drag and lift; wing and blade; pumps, water wheels and steam turbines; gas turbines; compressors; blower; vacuum equipment, oil hydraulics, pneumatics and fluid systems; fluid transportation; capsule transportation
FED activities
are summarized as follows.
(1)Academic meetings: The division organizes FED Meeting on a regular basis, which is held each year in the autumn. The FED Meeting will be held at Kitakyushu Science and Research Park in November 25-26, 2004. The division organizes another academic meeting as a part of the JSME annual conference (Hokkaido Univ. in 2004), and also actively organizes international events and symposiums, such as the JSME-KSME (Korea Society of Mechanical Engineers) Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference and the ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, held every four years. The 6th KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering will be held at Jeju City in Korea in March 20-23, 2005. The division also organizes other non-regular academic meetings as the occasion arises, both within Japan and overseas. For example, International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows will be held at Toba City in October 5-8, 2005.
Seminars: The division plans and implements various seminars covering a variety of subjects, from the basics of
fluid engineering to current new topics in the field.
(2) Publishing activities: The division makes plans for special issues in the Journal of JSME and the JSME
International Journal (English).
(3) Research groups: Within JSME, there are a variety of research groups, either belonging to the technical
divisions or Division Council. These research groups are organized according to the interests of JSME members,
so anyone who has a particular interest in the fluids engineering field can form a new research group to pursue a
particular area of interest. The division provides financial support for its own research groups.
(4) Membership augmentation and services: The division is currently investigating which types of services should
be offered members.
(5) Information Activity: The division carries out a variety of publicity activities, such as maintaining and
administering a web site, and the preparation of a newsletter. The information related to FED (fed-info) is delivered to the FED members by e-mail. The division also plans and implements entertaining and enjoyable events such as
"Contest on Dream of Flow.", which is held at the FED Meeting.
The following committees responsible for the five activities described above are set up:
(1) Technical
Committee, (2) Editorial Committee, (3) General Affairs Committee,
(4) Membership Committee, (5) Publicity Committee.