第8回日韓熱流体工学会議 The Eighth KSME-JSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC8)
2012年3月18日 - 2012年3月21日 | 流体工学部門 熱工学部門International共催
大韓機械学会 熱工学及び流体工学部門(幹事学会)
日本機械学会 熱工学及び流体工学部門
日韓両国の熱工学・流体工学に関する専門家の親睦をはかり,これらの分野の最新の研究及び技術の情報交換と進展を図ることを目的とし,今回は韓国の仁川(インチョン)で開催します.ご承知のように本会議では,熱工学と流体工学分野の総括的展開を図るために一本化した運営を行っています.本会議で募集する講演発表は,熱工学・流体工学分野に対する最新の研究開発をベースとするフォーラム形式(Organized Session)と従来の一般講演形式に分かれております.今回の講演発表は,日韓を中心に約500件の予定となっております.多数の方々のご参加をお待ちしております.
【フォーラム(Organized Session)】
(1)Advances in home appliances, (2)Advances in turbomachinery, (3)Renewable energy, (4)Bio-medical engineering, (5)Microfluidics, (6)Electronics cooling, (7)Environmental thermo-fluid mechanics, (8)Fuel cell and its application, (9)Heat and fluid flow in nuclear reactor, (10)Advances in internal combustion engine, (11)Nano engineering in thermosciences, (12)Modeling of turbulent combustion, (13) New trends in CFD, (14)Novel heat storage system, (15)Thermo-fluids in process control
Advanced cycles, Advanced refrigeration systems, Aerodynamics, Air conditioning, Bio-fluid dynamics, Boiling, Bubbles and drops, CFD, Chaos and fractals, Cogeneration systems, Combustion and flame, Compressible flow, Computational thermal engineering, Condensation and evaporation, Cryogenics, Electro- and magneto-hydrodynamics, Energy conversion, Energy storage, Flow and heat transfer control, Heat exchanger, Heat pipe, Heat pump, Ignition and flame structure, Indoor environmental quality, Interface flow, Internal combustion engine, Jet, wake and mixing layer, Material processing, Measurement of heat and fluid flow, Microfluidics, Micro gravity, Natural convection, New working fluids, Non-Newtonian flow, PIV and LIF, Power generation, Reacting flow, Rotating flow, Separated flow, Shock and detonation wave, Spray and particles, Stability and transition, Surface tension, Thermal radiation, Thermophysical properties, Two- and multi-phase flow, Turbomachinery, Turbulence fundamentals, Turbulence modeling and simulation, Vortex dynamics, Wind engineering.
ホームページURL: http://www.tfec8.org/