東北地区特別講演会 「国境を越えたロボティクス: 日本とヨーロッパにおけるラテンアメリカ人のロボット工学への貢献」
2024年11月19日 - 2024年11月19日 | ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門対面開催特別講演会主催No.24-140
No.24-140 東北地区特別講演会
「国境を越えたロボティクス: 日本とヨーロッパにおけるラテンアメリカ人のロボット工学への貢献」
URL https://jsmetctohoku.github.io/
企画 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 第1地区技術委員会
開催日 2024年11月19日(火) 10:00~12:00
会場 東北大学大学院工学研究科機械・知能系共同棟6階会議室
(1) 10:00~11:00
「Robotics Technologies and their Benchmarking at International Robotics Competitions」
講師:Gustavo Garcia(立命館大学 准教授)
International robotics competitions bring together the research community to solve real-world, current problems such as drilling in aircraft manufacturing (Airbus Shopfloor Challenge), warehouse automation (Amazon Robotics Challenge), and convenience store automation (Future Convenience Store Challenge). In this talk, I will discuss our approach to these competitions and describe the technical difficulties, design philosophy, development, lessons learned, and remaining challenges. In particular, I will talk about the Future Convenience Store Challenge, whose goal is to create an autonomous robot to remove expired products and place new products on convenience store shelves, including temporarily stopping work when a customer requires a product from the shelf operated by the robot, and the decision-making process behind this system, as well as our latest research on decision-making using Large Language Models.
(2) 11:00~12:00
「Challenges towards Industry 5.0 in controlled environment plant production systems with high proportion of local renewable energy:
From system integration to optimization of techno-economical intelligent control systems」
講師:Jorge Solis(カールスタード大学准教授/早稲田大学非常勤研究員)
In this lecture, Prof. Solis will present a new project that deals with the development of intelligent control systems for greenhouse lighting with a high proportion of local renewable energy. The project will develop an intelligent control system to optimize the operation of lighting systems in greenhouses with a high proportion of local renewable energy using adaptive control methods, Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and optimization of built-in lighting control. Through this, lighting systems will be optimized, energy consumption will be minimized and the lighting system will be adapted to be able to handle a larger amount of local renewable energy production.
参加費 無料
申込方法 申し込みは不要です.当日お気軽にお越しください.
問合わせ先 Salazar Luces Jose Victorio / 電話(022)795-6942
Email: j.salazar@srd.mech.tohoku.ac.jp