2022年8月30日 - 2022年8月30日 | マイクロ・ナノ工学部門 医工学テクノロジー推進会議 情報・知能・精密機器部門 機素潤滑設計部門 生産システム部門Internationalオンライン開催ハイブリッド開催特別講演会主催No.22-103
Open Forum:New fusion of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
Date:13:30-17:35, August 30, 2022
Venue: Online/Toyoda Auditorium Complex, Nagoya University (Hybrid event)
New trends about Smart Manufacturing System in Society 5.0 Era
Prof. Toshiya Kaihara (Kobe University)
Robots will become social infrastructure
Mr. Akihiro Nishimura (ZMP Inc. Director of the Board)
(14:50-15:05 Break)
Inverse problem of wave scattering and microwave mammography
Prof. Kenjiro Kimura (Kobe University)
Biohybrid Robotics
Prof. Shoji Takeuchi (The University of Tokyo)
Art and Science
Prof. Daito Manabe (Media artist / Specially invited professor at Keio University)
17:20-17:35 Discussions
Facilitator: Prof. Ken Masamune (Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
・Language: English(使用言語:英語)
・NOTE: You can participate either onsite (Toyota Auditorium, Nagoya University) or online (ZOOM webinar).
However, depending on the spread of COVID19, this event may be changed to online-only.
Host organization
JSME Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment Division / Machine Design & Tribology Division / Manufacturing Systems Division / Micro-Nano Science & Technology Division / Biomedical Engineering and Technology Promotion Committee,
also supported by Japanese Society of Tribologist Surface Force Research Group
MIPE2022 Secretariat:staff@nagoya-mipe2022.org