news archive
- Please check the latest information on program and poster posting/removal times.→ "Program" "Presentation"
- 2022-10-19
Infomation on the Social Gathering has been posted.→ "Events" - 2022-10-11
A notice has been posted that the proceedings will be made available to attendees one week prior to the symposium. Please note the publication date if you are planning to file a patent application. → "Submission" - 2022-10-05
Information on presentation style has been posted.→ "Presentation" - 2022-10-03
Deadline of Manuscript submission has been extended to 11th, Oct., 2022→ "Submission" - 2022-10-03
The program has been updated→ "Program" - 2022-09-28
The program has been posted. Please check your presentation number and poster session number.→ "Program" - 2022-09-09
Information on how to submit your Manuscript has been posted (Deadline: 4th, Oct., 2022)→ "Submission" - 2022-09-09
Registration website is now open → "Registration" - 2022-09-06
Information on the Special Events has been updated → "Events" - 2022-08-05
Information on Special Issue in Micromachines has been posted.→"Special Issue in Micromachines" - 2022-07-29
The deadline of abstract submission has been extended to 4th, Aug.→"Submission" - 2022-07-29
Information on the Special Events has been posted → "Events" - 2022-04-27
The abastract submission website is open.→"submission" - 2022-04-26
The website has been launched.