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Welcome to the website of IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE2009 !
In JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers), the IIP (Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment) Division is the major division working on information storage systems, intelligent machines, precision machines, bio-medical equipments, etc. IIP has its annual conference held in Japan. In ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), the ISPS (Information Storage and Processing Systems) Division is devoted to disk drives, tape drives, optical drives, etc. Similarly, ISPS has its annual conference held at San Jose. IIP and ISPS agree to hold the joint MIPE conference every 3 years alternating between Japan and US. Both IIP and ISPS merged their own annual conferences into MIPE so that most people can attend. The joint MIPE conferences were held at Yokohama, Japan in 2003, and at San Jose, USA in 2006.
Presentations are solicited for presentation at MIPE 2009. Relevant technologies include (i) storage devices and relating technologies such as head/disk interface and tribology, mechanism and control, (ii) flexible media feeding and handling machines, (iii) image processing and printing technologies, (iv) intelligent machines, (v) bio-medical equipments, (vi) MM/Micor/Nano Precision Equipments and (vii) micro/nanosystem science and technology.
Potential presenters should submit an abstract for review. Please submit the abstract via the MIPE 2009 website. Once the paper is accepted for presentation, the authors shall prepare a two-page extended abstract to be included in conference proceedings. Presenters could also submit a full paper to be published in a Special Issue of JSME online journal Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed before publication. Sessions and organizers are listed on the reverse side and detailed information will appear in the MIPE 2009 website.