ICOPE Logo International Conference on Power Engineering - 2023
    “Nuclear, thermal, and renewables: United to provide carbon neutral power”
    May 21-26, 2023. Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
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The ICOPE-2023 organizing committee decided to hold the "fully on-site (face-to-face) conference" in Kyoto, Japan.

Recently, Japanese government have been relaxing the border control measures for COVID-19 and it is highly expected the situation becomes much better in May. Therefore, we believe most participants may fly to Japan and enjoy the conference. We cordially ask you to complete early registration.

It should be noted that May is one of the best seasons to visit Kyoto, and we sincerely recommend you to choose on-site attendance and enjoy the historical heritages and beautiful sight, and delicious Japanese food in Kyoto.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Kyoto.

(Feb. 19, 2023)

What's New

• Jul.01, 2023: Proceedings download was closed.  NEW! 
• Jun.09, 2023: You can download the final version of ICOPE-2023 Program Book.
• May 28, 2023: ICOPE-2023 was successfully closed. Please keep being united to provide carbon neutral power and see you in the next ICOPE-2025.
• May 28, 2023: The winner of the ICOPE-2023 Student Competition was selected by the ICOPE-2023 Award Committee.(2023/5/25)
• May 21, 2023: Online program (May 12 version) is available. (revised: May 21)
• May 19, 2023: Instructions for session chair is available.
• May 02, 2023: File Submission page is updated.
• Apr.20, 2023: Instructions for presenters is available.
• Apr.07, 2023: Venue page and Registration and Accommodation page are updated.
• Apr.06, 2023: PowerPoint Template with ICOPE-2023 Logo is available. (6.13MB)
• Mar.10, 2023: First Circular has been updated. (PDF, 608kB)
• Mar.02, 2023: Sponsor page.
• Feb.28, 2023: First Circular is available. (PDF, 577kB)
• Jan.26, 2023: Registration site has opened. See Registration and Accommodation page and Technical Tour page.
• Jan.16, 2023: File Submission page (Student Competition) has been updated.
• Oct.12, 2022: Template of extended abstract is available. See File Submission page.
• Aug.22, 2022: Second Call for Papers has been updated.
• Jul.31, 2022: Submission of abstract has opened. See File Submission page.
• Apr.07, 2022: Website opened.

Conference Photographs


(Click photograph to enlarge / download)

ICOPE-2023 Student Competition Winners

Paper ID Presenter Title
1014 Sogo Saito
(Waseda University, Japan)
Material selection considering degradation from system-level perspective of thermochemical energy storage and transport system
1092 Yin Duan
(Zhejiang University, China)
Effect of the MgO/SiO2 ratio on MgO-SiO2 binders solidifying MSWI fly ash
1108 Jiaying Cheng
(Tongji University, China)
Effects of hydrogen addition on NOx formation in a methane non-premixed low-NOx combustor
1139 Hodaka Matsuzaki
(Waseda University, Japan)
Time-series forecasting of geothermal steam enthalpy using Temporal Fusion Transformer architecture
1160 Jiale Wen
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Intelligent Control Characteristics of Marine Gas Turbine Based on GA-BP Neural Network
1188 Guijun Liu
(Tsinghua University, China)
Effects of the heating rod on unsteady autoignition in turbulent hot air coflow
1260 Eugene Gatete
(University of Tsukuba, Japan)
1261 Mostafa Rezaei
(Griffith University, Australia)
Economics of renewable hydrogen production using wind and solar energy
1262 Linbin Zeng
(Kobe University, Japan)
The heat output/input and coefficient-of-performance characteristics of a chemical heat pump with silica nano-holed microcapsule composites based on calcium chloride
1268 Hiroto Yamaguchi
(Okayama University, Japan)
Examination of multi-scale generated decaying turbulence validated for the influence of wind tunnel blockage

(Click photograph to enlarge / download)

Call for Papers


The conference aims to provide a platform for promoting collaborations among professional societies and enhancing the technical exchanges in the power engineering community regarding thermal power, distributed energy system including heat and power utilization, energy storage, renewable energy, environmental issues including low-carbon, CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage), CCUS (Carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage) and waste to energy, and the other energy-related topics. Hydrogen is expected to be a key fuel for energy storage of variable renewable energy, low-quality coal utilization, and low-carbon energy systems. CCUS is attracting attention as a bridging technology. The conference will be held in Kyoto, a famous ancient city where an innovative CCS is demonstrating.

Important Dates for Authors

September 21 October 7, 2022400 words abstract due
October 26, 2022Notification of abstract acceptance
November 25 December 3, 2022Extended abstract due
February 8 February 15, 2023Notification of extended abstract acceptance
March 10, 2023Pre-registration, at least one of the authors with registration fee due
March 31, 2023Final extended abstract due

The dates are subject to change; please check the conference website.

All extended abstracts will be peer reviewed in format along with template. All accepted extended abstracts will be accessible to registered participants on the Online Program web page. Also, the accepted papers will be recommended for publication in the Mechanical Engineering Journal or Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy upon reviewers’recommendation.
Please note that JSME will distribute the proceedings to the registered attendees of ICOPE-2023 only. The official archival proceedings will not be published after the conference. The copyright of each paper will belong to each author.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the following address.

All countries except for China: ICOPE-2023 Secretariat
E-mail: icope-2023@jsme.or.jp
China: ICOPE-2023 Secretariat in China (Prof. Xiaoqing Lin, Zhejiang University)
E-mail: linxiaoqing@zju.edu.cn