Closing Remarks

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of ICOPE-15. In particular, we offer our hearty thanks to the authors, reviewers, session organizer, organizing committee members, international advisory committee members and conference participants.

Thank you.

Chairman Prof. Masahiro OSAKABE The steering committee of International Conference on Power Enginnering-15, Yokohama


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ICOPE (International Conference on Power Engineering) is an international conference targeting a vast area of power and energy systems studies with the exception of nuclear power generation. The conference is drawing interest as an ideal place to present on a variety of studies such as developments of industrial technologies, researches on measuring methods and evaluation tools, and feasibility studies.

"The first JSME-ASME International Conference on Power Engineering" was held in Tokyo in 1993, jointly hosted by The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). From then onwards, this conference has taken place biennially. In the year 1995, Chinese Society of Power Engineering (CSPE) joined to host the conference in Shanghai.

Thereafter, it has been successfully held in Tokyo (1997), San Francisco (1999), Xian (2001), Kobe (2003), Chicago (2005), Hangzhou (2007), Kobe (2009), Denver (2011), and Wuhan (2013). As a continuation, the twelfth ICOPE conference will be held in Yokohama, Japan in 2015.


Important Dates

- 400 words abstract due November 30, 2014  December 31, 2014
The deadline for abstract submission of ICOPE-15
has been extended to 31 December 2014.
- Notification of abstract acceptance January 9, 2015
- Full-length manuscript due March 31, 2015  April 15, 2015
The deadline for full-length manuscript submission of ICOPE-15 has been extended to 15 April 2015.
- Notification of full-length manuscript acceptance June 1, 2015
- Final manuscripts due July 31, 2015
- Online registration deadline October 31, 2015

What’s New

13 Nov, 2015 Final Program and Program at a glance has been uploaded.
12 Nov, 2015 2nd Circular has been uploaded.
13 Oct, 2015 Tentative Programme and Programme at a glance has been uploaded.
22 May, 2015 Online Registration Started
3 April, 2015 Application deadline for Exhibition & Advertisement extended
1 February, 2015 Full-length Manuscript Submission Start
5 January, 2015 Manuscript template for ICOPE-15 Proceedings now available
31 December, 2014 Abstract Submission has closed
2 December, 2014 Abstract submission deadline extended
13 August, 2014 Abstract Submission Started
20 June, 2014 Website Open
