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- ‘ÎÛ˜_•¶FuHigh-efficiency machining of titanium alloy using combined machining method of driven rotary tool and hale machiningv ŽRú±—I“oC‰Á“¡GŽ¡Câ–{d•FCûü“c“N¶
- ‘ÎÛ˜_•¶FuFabrication of Micro-oscillator by Printing Technologies of Au Thin Film and Graphene Oxidev t“ú—SlC‹à“cŒb•ãC‹àŽqV
- ‘ÎÛ˜_•¶FuMonitoring of long-term changes in geometric errors of a five-axis machine tool by selfcalibration for touch-trigger probe measurementv ‘å¼ãÄ‘¾Cˆï–Ø‘nˆêCŽRŒû‰ëŽjC™–{F—Y
- ‘ÎÛ˜_•¶FuTool Path Generation and Optimization for Diamond Turning Based on Independently Controlled Fast Tool Servov ²“¡—T—ºCè… ‹I‰
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- ‘ÎÛ˜_•¶FuFine Pattern Fabrication on a 3D Surface Using Fast Tool Servo for Milling Processv ¬“‡—I‘¾C‹g‰ª—ElC“c“‡^Œá