

2023/12 Vol.126


Talking the TalkTips to Present Powerfully at Conferences学会で力強く発信するためのヒント

第12回(最終回) Effective Tips for Presenting at International Conferences

Deep Sarkar

Building one’s network and professional capital is more difficult for early career researchers today than it was before the global pandemic. With the loss of in-person opportunities to connect with relevant networks of professions, the challenge of networking has now extended to the virtual space. In addition to social distancing, a professional distancing is also occurring, with academics tightening their networks around those they are familiar with, have relied on, and trust.

While the virtual networking landscape poses a fresh set of demands to early career researchers as well as experienced academics alike, it makes it easier to attend and present at international conferences online. Conferences set the stage for interaction on a whole new level by providing a great opportunity for making connections, research collaboration, and career advancement.

However, presenting at a conference can be a daunting task, especially for early career researchers. But worry not! This article will help you find your feet and enable you to make the most out of your international conferences, be it in-person or virtual.




