

2023/10 Vol.126


Talking the TalkTips to Present Powerfully at Conferences学会で力強く発信するためのヒント

第10回 Nine Tips for Creating an Amazing Poster

Hera Havewala

A poster visually summarizes information in a concise and attractive manner, using a mixture of brief text, tables, graphs, pictures and other visuals. Poster presentations are a great way to publicize and generate discussion over your research at academic conferences. Moreover, interested passers-by will have the chance to know more about your work directly from you, since you will be standing by your poster to discuss it. This is an organic yet personalized way to let peers and others know of your research, and spark conversations about it.

But is there a way to maximize the benefit you can gain from poster presentations? Indeed, there is!

A poster has two aspects—design, and content. Design refers to the layout, colors, fonts, and creative aspects of your poster. Content refers to the actual words and technical aspects of your poster. By optimizing both of these, it is possible to create an attractive poster that is sure to engage your audience and spark conversations!

Here are some tips for creating a poster that is sure to stand out!




