Talking the TalkTips to Present Powerfully at Conferences学会で力強く発信するためのヒント
第9回 Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch for Your Research
Imagine this: you admire a researcher and you happen to spot them at a workshop/conference you’re attending. You’ve been wanting to talk to them about a possible collaboration or guidance ever since you came across their accomplishments. And now, you finally have the chance. But, your brain is suddenly all fuzzy and you feel tongue-tied. You find it difficult to articulate your words let alone summarize your research perfectly. At moments such as these, we all wish we had that perfect elevator pitch ready and a little more self-assurance to make the best of those precious few seconds we had with the researcher.
キーワード:Talking the Talk Tips to Present Powerfully at Conferences 学会で力強く発信するためのヒント