論文アクセスランキング 日本機械学会学術誌(英文) 年間アクセス数トップ10
(2019年1月~2019年12月の期間で集計) *順位の変動は2018年10月~2019年9月の期間との比較
Large eddy simulation with modeled wall-stress: recent progress and future directions
Mechanical Engineering Reviews(2016) DOI:10.1299/mer.15-00418
The paper provides a brief introduction to the near-wall problem of LES and how it can be solved through modeling of the near-wall turbulence. The distinctions and key differences between different approaches are emphasized, both in terms of fidelity (LES, wall-modeled LES, and DES) and in terms of different wall-modeled LES approaches (hybrid LES/RANS and wall-stress-models). The focus is on approaches that model the wall-stress directly, i.e., methods for which the LES equations are formally solved all the way down to the wall. Progress over the last decade is reviewed, and the most important and promising directions for future research are discussed.
Prospect and Recent Research & Development for Civil Use Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft as UAV and MAV
Journal of System Design and Dynamics (2007) DOI:10.1299/jsdd.1.120
This paper describes the present state of research and development for civil use autonomous unmanned aircraft. In particular, the history of civil use UAVs, the research and development in the world and in Japan, and the subjects and prospects for control and operation systems of civil use autonomous UAVs are described.
Investigation of the mechanism of the indentation size effect for titanium
Shota HASUNUMA, Hirohisa MIYAZAKI, Takeshi OGAWA
Mechanical Engineering Journal (2019) DOI:10.1299/mej.18-00545
In this study, we investigated the mechanism of the indentation size effect for Ti, whose crystal structure is hexagonal close-packed. Indentation tests were performed for two types of single-crystal Ti with different crystal orientations: (0001) and (1120). Indentation tests were also performed with different indenter directions. The hardness depends on the crystal orientation and indenter direction because Ti has large anisotropy. The shape of the impression also changes with the crystal orientation and indenter direction. The hardness increases with decreasing penetration depth for the (0001) and (1120) orientations, so the indentation size effect occurs. For the (0001) orientation, a sudden rapid increase in displacement occurs during indentation tests owing to twinning. This sudden rapid increase in displacement causes a rapid decrease in the hardness. Electron backscatter diffraction was performed around the impressions to measure the geometrically necessary (GN) dislocation density. The GN dislocation density increases with decreasing penetration depth for the (0001) and (1120) orientations. This trend corresponds to strain gradient theory. The reason for the indentation size effect in Ti is the increase in the GN dislocation density. For the (0001) orientation, the indentation size effect also can be attributed to twinning. Considering both our previous study and this study, the experimental results correspond to strain gradient theory in many cases.
4位[↑] |
Customization of product, service, and product/service system: what and how to design
Tatsunori HARA, Tomohiko SAKAO, Ryo FUKUSHIMAMechanical Engineering Reviews (2019) DOI:10.1299/mer.18-00184 |
5位[↑] |
Development of tunnel compression wave generator with multiple small solenoid valves
Tokuzo MIYACHI, Takakage ARAI, Shoji SAKAUE, Koji TAKASHIMA, Daiki TANIKAWA, Takuya YAGISHITA, Kento NAKATANIMechanical Engineering Journal (2019) DOI:10.1299/mej.18-00478 |
6位[NEW] |
Running position matching for the monitoring bogie and temporal subtraction analysis of derailment coefficient
Yosuke ICHIYANAGI, Yohei MICHITSUJI, Akira MATSUMOTO, Yasuhiro SATO, Hiroyuki OHNO, Seigo OGATA, Masuhisa TANIMOTO, Atsushi IWAMOTO, Tomoki FUKUSHIMA, Takuji NAKAIMechanical Engineering Journal (2019) DOI:10.1299/mej.18-00426 |
7位[NEW] |
Estimation method of interfacial stiffness of bolted joint in multi-material structure by inverse analysis
Yoshinao KISHIMOTO, Yukiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Toshihisa OHTSUKA, Akira MATSUMOTO, Motoi NIIZUMAMechanical Engineering Journal (2019) DOI:10.1299/mej.18-00471 |
8位[NEW] |
Development of flow-accelerated corrosion prediction method (2) Modeling and validation with thinning rate profile data
Kimitoshi YONEDA, Kazutoshi FUJIWARA, Ryo MORITA, Fumio INADAMechanical Engineering Journal (2018) DOI:10.1299/mej.17-00415 |
9位[↓] |
Electromagnetic damper using brushless direct drive DC motor
Taichi MATSUOKAMechanical Engineering Journal (2018) DOI:10.1299/mej.18-00307 |
10位[NEW] |
Mechanical and thermal expansion properties of aligned carbon nanotube reinforced epoxy composites
Keiichi SHIRASU, Itaru TAMAKI, Go YAMAMOTO, Toshiyuki HASHIDAMechanical Engineering Journal (2019) DOI:10.1299/mej.19-00012 |
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