論文アクセスランキング 日本機械学会学術誌(和文) 年間アクセス数トップ10
(2018年1月~2018年12月の期間で集計) *順位の変動は2017年10月~2018年9月の期間との比較
佐藤 慧拓, 窪田 佳寛, 望月 修
日本機械学会論文集 (2016)DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.15-00386
Many features of organisms have the possibility that can be applied to the infrastructure and network system for the communication. From the previous studies, the network system of the venation is known as the strong network on the damage. This relates the structure of leaf vein. In this study, we are focusing on the network of leaf vein to understand the strong network system. First, we study the network structure to know the relation between damage on leaf and the strong network. Then, the influence of damage on leaf vein for the water absorption on the leaf was studied with the dye flow visualization. The result shows that the network type of vein on real leaf is the mesh type network. The mesh type network has the benefit to make a bypath when the vein has the damage. The result of dye flow visualization shows that the real leaf requires the single vein to make a bypath for damage region. The increasing of area on water absorbed relates the distance of water absorption. This means that number of vein is not dominant for the speed of water absorption. Therefore, the network of leaf vein has a high robustness from the damage of vein by the mesh type network.
太田 崇文, 岡田 耕治, 齊藤 梓, 吉田 一也, 村澤 剛, 川上 勝, 古川 英光
日本機械学会論文集 (2017) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00567
Our group has developed a 3D gel printer called “SWIM – ER” (Soft and Wet Industrial Material – Easy Realizer). Here we are aiming to improve the gel material used in the SWIM-ER system for problems related to free forming and mechanical strength. The composition of the high strength gel material with low viscosity and easy modeling was clarified by adjusting the concentration of the crosslinking agent of 1st gel against the problem that the viscosity of the material is too high and it was difficult to shape. We tried tear tests in addition to various evaluation tests, tensile tests, compression tests. We thought that we can estimate and evaluate dissipation and diffusion of fracture energy by microscopic observation of specimens after tear tests.
品川 晃徳, 野澤 久幸, 内山 裕太郎
日本機械学会論文集 (2017) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.17-00086
It is thought that the first step to understanding vehicle movement is to measure and analyze that movement in order to confirm that it falls within the range of the laws of physics. In the case of a four-wheeled vehicle, in general, the friction limit is defined within the circle of longitudinal acceleration and lateral acceleration through the use of a G-G diagram. Then measurements are taken to confirm that the driving state is within that range. Two-wheeled off-road vehicles are mainly ridden on slippery dirt roads that include steep slopes and rough, uneven surfaces. An analysis method for the driving state and the vehicle movement limits that would be suitable for analyzing the movement of such two-wheeled off-road vehicles under these conditions was examined. These movement limits were then formulated by taking into consideration the coefficient of friction and the road surface gradient in accordance with the basic laws of physics and also by focusing on the vehicle movement in the longitudinal direction. Measurements were also taken during actual off-road riding by top-class Japanese off-road motorcycle riders. It was confirmed that this measurement data was distributed within the range of the assumed vehicle movement limits. Consequently, it was confirmed that it is possible to use such measurements to accurately grasp the vehicle movement limits and the associated driving state for two-wheeled off-road vehicles.
4位[↑] |
T字分岐部のある正方形管内流の分岐損失と流動特性澤田 亮一, 金子 貴之, 佐野 正利 日本機械学会論文集 (2015) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.15-00100 |
5位[↑] |
トポロジー最適化と積層造形を活用したラティス構造の創出手法西津 卓史, 谷次 智弥, 竹澤 晃弘, 米倉 一男, 渡邊 修, 北村 充 日本機械学会論文集 (2017) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.16-00581 |
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熱電対による表面温度測定の誤差解析中村 元 日本機械学会論文集 (2018) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.18-00216 |
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乱流境界層が流入する前方ステップから生じる空力騒音の音源および伝播プロセスの解明田所 真樹, 横山 博史, 水野 雅隆, 飯田 明由, 若松 幹生, Phan Vinh Long, 田中 博 日本機械学会論文集 (2018) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.18-00199 |
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走行動作における下肢の関節モーメント・関節間力及び筋活動に関する研究(踵接地走法とつま先接地走法の比較)河村 庄造, 湯川 治敏, 平井 彰, 青山 新輔, 松原 真己 日本機械学会論文集 (2016) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.15-00438 |
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箱形断面梁の曲げによる弾性屈伏(角筒におけるブラジール効果)古巣 克也, 尼子 龍幸, 中川 稔章, 浜辺 勉, 青木 典久 日本機械学会論文集 (2018) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.17-00326 |
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強化繊維径および界面特性を考慮したGF/PA射出成形材の引張強度予測白木 伶治, 岡本 彪, 小澤 憲人, 金 太成, 平山 紀夫, 谷口 憲彦, 西脇 剛史, 細井 厚志, 川田 宏之 日本機械学会論文集 (2018) DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.17-00582 |
長谷川 遥 さん(当時6 歳)