

2017/10 Vol.120

鈴木 偲温 さん(当時8 歳)


特集 日本機械学会のグローバル化~アジア諸国との連携のあり方~

Globalization and Collaboration between JSME and ICME-HE / Universitas Andalas, UNAND

Mulyadi Bur

Globalization and Collaboration between JSME and ICME-HE


Indonesian Consortium of Mechanical Engineering Higher Education, ICME-HE, congratulates JSME’s 120th anniversary.

ICME-HE was declared by 12 heads of Mechanical Engineering Department on May 29, 2002 at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya.

ICME-HE was established for various reasons: (a) to enhance cooperation and collaboration between Department of mechanical engineering in education, research and community development, (b) to enhance the cooperation between ICME-HE members with other institutions, and (c) to improve the capability of members to face challenges and global competition.

Currently, ICME-HE has members of 60 Departments of Mechanical Engineering. These numbers are always increase every year. The main activities of ICME-HE are education, research, industrial cooperation and publications. ICME-HE is an important partner for government, Indonesian engineer institutions and other institutions. ICME-HE has many activities such as annual meeting, conferences, workshops and training, student design competitions and the publication.

ICME-HE is developing global collaboration with foreign mechanical engineering academic societies. Therefor, ICME-HE would like to make collaboration with JSME for (1) exchange of information on mechanical engineering research, (2) invited Japanese professors and engineers for mechanical engineering workshop undertaken in Indonesia, (3) Conducting JSME and ICME-HE annual meetings in Japan or Indonesia annually, (4) to make an engineering dictionary written in English – Japanese – Indonesian language, (5) to make textbooks of the mechanical engineering for students and engineers, (6) the contribution of human resources, (7) the exchange information of university – industry linkage, and (8) the management of the academic society. In connection with (2), ICME-HE is very interested in the Vibration Database under the JSME Dynamics, Measurement and Control Division as well as flow-induced vibrations in the JSME Fluid Engineering Division. This research is increasing year-by-year in Indonesia therefore ICME-HE wants to cooperate with JSME especially in this field.

In terms of (4) and (5), the engineering dictionary written in English – Japanese – Indonesian language is strongly needed for communication between Japanese and Indonesian engineers who are working in companies and factories located in Indonesia.

In addition, ICME-HE would like to publish textbooks on basic engineering subjects, which is useful for improving human resources. We know that JSME publishes many excellent textbooks. ICME-HE is delighted that JSME may seek advice to ICME-HE to publish this textbook for Japanese working in Indonesia and Indonesian engineers and students.

With regard to (6), We recognize that Japanese companies have succeeded in producing excellent products with high performance and durability. Although many Japanese companies have factories in Indonesia, the lack of high-level Indonesian engineers who want to work in Japanese factories is a very serious problem for the company. Indonesian engineers and students must acquire the knowledge and technology of these productions. Universities in Indonesia should not only teach traditional mechanics but they should also teach automation control techniques, Toyota Production Systems, and others.

Finally, ICME-HE would like to strengthen the above collaboration activities with JSME by frequent communications and to develop collaboration between Japanese and Indonesian researchers and engineers working in the mechanical engineering fields.

Annual Meeting Organized by ICME (Lampung, Indonesia)


Mulyadi Bur, Prof., Dr.-Ing.

Affiliation:Department of Mechanical Engineering Andalas University
Research Field: Mechanical dynamics

Universitas Andalas, UNAND




Universitas Andalas, UNAND, is the oldest university outside of Java Island, and the fourth oldest university in Indonesia. This University was inaugurated on 13 September 1956 by Dr. Mohammad Hatta, First Vice President of Indonesia, and Minister of Education and Culture Sarino Mangoenpranoto. UNAND having 15 faculties and a Postgraduate School and has more than 28,000 students. UNAND having three campuses, the main campus in Padang covers the area of 500 ha; second campus in Payakumbuh for Animal Science and Economics; and third campus in Dharmasraya for Agroecotechnology.

Vision and Mission

“To be a Leading and Dignified University”.


1. To provide an excellent and long lasting academic and professional education.

2. To perform basic sciences and innovative applied researches to support development and advancement of science and technology, to increase scientific publication and intellectual rights.

3. To conduct transfer of science and technologies for the benefit of people in the context of sustainable development.

4. To develop productive and sustainable cooperation with education and government institutions as well as private en-terprises at local, national and international levels.

5. To strengthen the institution through the application of good university governance in order to be able to anticipate changes in strategic environments.


1. To increase the equality and access for education at local, national and international levels.

2. To increase the quality and relevancy of education, research, and community development services.

3. To apply the principles of good university governance.

4. To expand the coverage of cooperation and increase the number of cooperation.

Andalasian Character

UNAND is very concerned with the formation of student characters. Year 2015 is a new era in the formation of student character that is with Character Training Andalasian (CTA). The train was developed by UNAND’s own lecturers. It is expected that this training will be the initial capital for UNAND students to have good character.


The main campus is approximately 500 hectares wide and in the altitude of ± 200 m above sea level. It is situated in the hilly area of Limau Manis, District of Pauh and it is approximately 15 km from Padang, the capital of West Sumatra. The Campus has conductive environment for studying as well as doing a research and develop science and technology for national dignity. Its buildings preserve a unique architecture: combination of traditional roof of Minangkabau (buffalo horns model) and modern-styled structure. UNAND is now in the process of completing its facilities in order to accommodate both academic and extra-curricular activities.

Main building of engineering faculty in UNAND
