日本機械学会学術誌(和文) 年間アクセス数トップ10
(2016 年1 月~ 2016 年12 月の期間で集計)
論文アクセスランキングは、J-STAGE が毎月作成するアクセス統計データを集計し、作成したランキングで、集計の対象は書誌事項へのアクセスです。書誌事項とはタイトル、著者名、キーワード、アブストラクトなどが記載されている、デジタルオブジェクト識別子(DOI:Digital Object Identifier) が指定するURL になります。
佐藤 慧拓, 窪田 佳寛, 望月 修
日本機械学会論文集(2016) DOI:10.1299/transjsme.15-00386
Many features of organisms have the possibility that can be applied to the infrastructure and network system for the communication. From the previous studies, the network system of the venation is known as the strong network on the damage. This relates the structure of leaf vein. In this study, we are focusing on the network of leaf vein to understand the strong network system. First, we study the network structure to know the relation between damage on leaf and the strong network. Then, the influence of damage on leaf vein for the water absorption on the leaf was studied with the dye ow visualization. The result shows that the network type of vein on real leaf is the mesh type network. The mesh type network has the benefit to make a bypath when the vein has the damage. The result of dye ow visualization shows that the real leaf requires the single vein to make a bypath for damage region. The increasing of area on water absorbed relates the distance of water absorption. This means that number of vein is not dominant for the speed of water absorption. Therefore, the network of leaf vein has a high robustness from the damage of vein by the mesh type network.
魚眼ステレオカメラを用いた全天周時系列画像からのオーロラ3 次元計測
竹内 彰, 藤井 浩光, 山下 淳, 田中 正行, 片岡 龍峰, 三好 由純, 奥富 正敏, 淺間 一
日本機械学会論文集(2016) DOI:10.1299/transjsme.15-00428
Three-dimensional analysis of aurora is important for the research of solar wind and magnetic storms, because aurora reacts the relationship between solar wind and terrestrial magnetism. Therefore a method to reconstruct a three-dimensional shape of aurora precisely is demanded. In this paper, a method to measure three-dimensional shape of auroa by using only two sh-eye cameras is proposed. Two sh-eye cameras were installed at Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A to get the time series images of aurora. The images photographed by the cameras are performed calibration by using the star to estimate the camera attitude. The dense feature points are detected from the images of aurora by using template matching though the image of aurora has few characteristic pattern. Moreover, a feature point tracking between two images continuing in time is performed to improve precision of the feature point detection. Then the three-dimensional coordinates of feature points are calculated by triangulation, aurora shape is measured and visualized.
河村 庄造, 湯川 治敏, 平井 彰, 青山 新輔, 松原 真己
日本機械学会論文集(2016) DOI:10.1299/transjsme.15-00438
In this paper, two foot strike patterns, which are the rear foot strike (RFS) and the fore foot strike (FFS), are compared from the viewpoint of the joint moment, joint reaction force and muscle activity using the actual measurement of running for two subjects. As the results, the landing reaction force has two peaks for RFS while one peak for FFS, and the signicant features can be observed in the ankle joint rather than the knee and hip joint. The joint moment of the ankle joint for RFS acts toward the dorsal exion direction at the beginning of landing, and then toward the plantar exion direction, while the one for FFS acts toward the plantar exion direction during landing. The bone-on-bone force for RFS shows two peaks as similar with the landing impact force. For RFS, the Tibialis anterior much works while for FFS, the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus works much. Moreover, the differences of subject A and B are shown as the contribution of joints on the running.
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歩行と持ち上げ動作を支援するための電動パワーアシストスーツの検証実験八木 栄一, 佐藤 元伸, 佐野 和男, 三井 利仁, 馬渕 博行 |
5 位 |
スイング系運動における先端リンクの瞬間的高運動エネルギ状態創出のための自由振動に基づく運動パターン生成朝岡 忠, 水内 郁夫 |
6 位 |
無信号交差点の出合い頭事故防止のための二段停止自動走行制御システムに関する研究ポンサトーン ラクシンチャラーンサク, 土屋 滉一, 山崎 彬人, 毛利 宏, 永井 正夫 |
7 位 |
衝突,接触,滑り摩擦および有限回転運動を考慮した3Dビリヤード力学藤井 文夫, Kuo Mo HSIAO, 小林 卓哉, 井上 吉弘, 新田 高洋 |
8 位 |
LIFを用いたジェットブレイクアップ挙動の可視化計測齋藤 慎平, 阿部 豊, 小山 和也 |
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トンボの翅の受動的な変形が空力特性に与える影響中 尚義, 橋本 巨 |
10位 |
自励振動型ヒートパイプの熱輸送特性におよぼす作動流体の影響麓 耕二, 石田 卓也, 川南 剛, 稲村 隆夫 |
乙成 華菜 さん(当時10 歳)