キーワード: Write Your Science Right
第24回(最終回) Tips For Presenting a Paper at an Academic Conference
No.1249, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1249-42/
Conference paper presentations are an essential way to communicate your findings and share your results widely, especially among your peers.…Read More
第23回 Essential Tips to Promote your Research and Maximize its Impact
No.1248, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1248-40/
As a researcher in today’s competitive academic environment, it is not enough to write a research paper and publish it. You need to capitali…Read More
第22回 Self-Archiving to Increase the Outreach of Your Research
No.1247, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1247-36/
Self-archiving is a process by which researchers upload digital versions of their original scientific literature online using open-access re…Read More
第21回 What Reviewers Look for in a Grant Proposal
No.1246, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1246-40/
To obtain funding for your research project, your grant proposal must be ranked very highly by expert peer reviewers. The review process req…Read More
第20回 Setting Yourself Up for Success: How to Write a Persuasive Research Grant Proposal
No.1245, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1245-36/
Research grants are an indispensable source of funding for researchers. This makes grant writing an important professional skill. But persua…Read More
第19回 Avoiding Irreproducible Results and Retractions: How to Validate Your Analytical Data
No.1244, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1244-38/
Reproducibility is at the core of scientific research. It is what differentiates a true breakthrough discovery from a fluke. If a result is …Read More
第18回 Plagiarism in Academic Publishing
No.1243, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1243-36/
Over the past couple of years, a common devotion in academia towards the motto ‘publish or perish’, coupled with an increasing demand for re…Read More
第17回 Acknowledging the Right People in Your Paper
No.1242, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1242-44/
Scientific papers are often a labor of love, resulting from months (or even years) of hard work and research. Most of these papers, though, …Read More
第16回 How to Successfully Use Tables to Present your Data
No.1241, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1241-34/
Over the course of your research, you might end up generating a lot of data. When someone is seeing your research for the first time, this d…Read More
第15回 How to Write the Literature Review of Your Research Paper
No.1240, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1240-46/
A thorough literature review is an essential part of a research paper. It gives an overview of the research performed on the topic. The lite…Read More
第14回 Getting the First Step Right: Writing the Introduction Section of a Research Paper
No.1239, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1239-42/
“A bad beginning makes a bad ending”- Euripides, Greek dramatist. Imagine you have been invited to a grand palace for a royal feast. Your ex…Read More
第13回 Tips on Effective Use of Tables and Figures in Research Papers
No.1238, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1238-42/
In the academic world, a research paper is the gateway into the mind of a scientist. For easy navigation, the information and data need to b…Read More
第12回 10 Tips to Shorten the Length of Your Research Paper
No.1237, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1237-36/
第12回 10 Tips to Shorten the Length of Your Research Paper Sticking to a given word count limit is difficult for everyone while writing a res…Read More
第11回 Ten Steps to an Attractive Abstract
No.1236, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1236-50/
第11回 Ten Steps to an Attractive Abstract If you’ve read a research paper, you’ve seen an abstract. This is a self-contained summary of the f…Read More
第10回 Analytical Method Validation in Research: How to Avoid Irreproducible Results and Retractions
No.1235, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1235-42/
第10回 Analytical Method Validation in Research: How to Avoid Irreproducible Results and Retractions In building a research career, especially…Read More
第9回 Do P-Values Always Show Us the Full Picture? Here’s How P-Values Should Be Used in Research
No.1234, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1234-48/
第9回 Do P-Values Always Show Us the Full Picture? Here’s How P-Values Should Be Used in Research If you’re a researcher, you’re familiar with…Read More
第8回 Making the Most of International Conferences: How to Build a Lasting Network of Colleagues
No.1233, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1233-40/
第8回 Making the Most of International Conferences: How to Build a Lasting Network of Colleagues A career in academia mostly involves the rese…Read More
第7回 How To Use an English Dictionary To Guide You in Communicating Your Research
No.1232, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1232-34/
第7回 How To Use an English Dictionary To Guide You in Communicating Your Research In academia today, English language enjoys an unofficial au…Read More
第6回 Five Steps to Simplify Language in Research Communication
No.1231, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1231-38/
第6回 Five Steps to Simplify Language in Research Communication So, you’ve performed the research, worked out the complicated data and statist…Read More
第5回 Eight Top Tips to Proofread Your Dissertation
No.1230, https://www.jsme.or.jp/kaisi/1230-42/
第5回 Eight Top Tips to Proofread Your Dissertation When months of toiling have come to an end and you have the full manuscript of your academ…Read More