
International Union


企画:JSME International Union

企画担当:安 琪(東京大学)


講演者:上田淳先生(アメリカ ジョージア工科大学)





JSME International Union (JSMEIU)では学会のグローバル化を図り、グローバルな視野を持った若手エンジニアの育成と幅広いキャリアパスの形成をサポートすることを目的に、「国内外のPIによる研究室紹介」と題するセミナーを企画・実施した。講演者には日本でキャリアを積まれたのちに、工学分野にけるアメリカの名門大学であるジョージア工科大学で研究者として活躍されている上田淳先生をお招きした。







ーJSME-IU-Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs: 4th Seminar Reportー

Organized by:JSME International Union

Organizers:Qi An (The University of Tokyo)

Date:March 1st, 2024, 12:00-13:00

Lecturer:Jun Ueda, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Title: University in the United States as an option for career development




Report Summary

The JSME International Union (JSME IU) organized and conducted a seminar titled “Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs” with the aim of promoting the globalization of the society and supporting the cultivation of young engineers with a global perspective and the formation of diverse career paths. The seminar featured Prof. Jun Ueda, who has built his career in Japan and is currently active as a researcher at the prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology in the field of engineering.


This time, web conferencing systems are used as in previous years.

Additionally, with prior permission from Dr. Ueda, the seminar was later distributed on Youtube for broader viewership.


In this seminar, detailed lectures were provided on the significance of building a career abroad, career paths and methodologies for studying or working at foreign universities. There was a detailed presentation on methodologies for studying at American universities and graduate schools, which differed from previous years. Distributing such content via Youtube is considered a significant benefit for members of the society.