JSME-IU Global seminar series 2025 -Campus and Lab Presentations from Young Researchers Studying Abroad-
JSME International Union
-在外研究者による海外研究紹介 寺島洋史 先生(スタンフォード大学への派遣)-
JSME International Union (JSME-IU)では、学会グローバル化への取り組みの一環として、在外研究者による海外における研究の機会に関する会員限定のセミナーを企画しました。また、気軽に参加できるように、Web会議システムを利用したコンパクトなセミナーとしました。
日時:2025年4月14日(月) 13:00~13:50
会場:オンライン(申込された方には後日Zoom IDを配信します)
講演者:寺島 洋史(北海道大学 准教授)
派遣先:Stanford University Department of Mechanical Engineering
JSME International Union
JSME-IU Global seminar series 2025 -Campus and Lab Presentations from Young Researchers Studying Abroad-
Dr. Hiroshi Terashima, Hokkaido University
As part of its efforts to globalize the Society, the JSME International Union (JSME-IU) is organizing a members-only seminar on overseas research opportunities by researchers living abroad. In addition, a compact seminar using a Web conferencing system has been adopted so that participants can participate easily.
Although overseas research opportunities help to develop future careers, by promoting the formation of global human resources and deepening interactions with overseas researchers, there are many aspects that researchers may be concerned about, such as funding and personal networking.
We planned a seminar from a researcher who was, until recently, conducting overseas research using a Web conferencing system to introduce the research content and background of the overseas research. The speaker, Dr. Hiroshi Terashima, was a visiting researcher for 1 year from April 2023 at Stanford University, in the US, as a young researcher active in the fields of Computational Fluid Dynamics.
This is a unique opportunity to listen to fresh experiences from overseas researchers in real time.
Please register from the following URL, any JSME member is welcome to join!
Date: April 14th (Mon.), from 13:00 to 13:50
Venue: Online (Zoom meeting ID will be announced to attendees)
Target: Anyone can join
Number of participants: 100
Participation fee: Free