JSME-IU Global seminar series 2019 -Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs (1) (18th March 2020)
(English text below)
JSME-IU グローバルセミナーシリーズ2019
-国内外のPIによる研究室紹介 (1)-
講演者: Prof. Hongen Liao, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
講演タイトル: Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Toward an Intelligent Medical System
さて、JSME International Union (JSME IU)では、学会のグローバル化への取り組みの一環として、国内外のPIによる研究室紹介に関するセミナーを企画しております。また、お気軽に参加できるように、Web会議システムを利用したコンパクトなセミナーとなっております。
今回は,日本での留学の経験をお持ち,世界的に活躍されている清華大学教授の廖洪恩先生をお招きしました.ご研究の紹介のみならず、グローバル人材としのキャリア形成などについて, Web会議システムを利用してご講演いただきます.研究分野においても著しくい発展を見せている中国から,PIの新鮮な体験談をリアルタイムで聞けるまたとないチャンスです。Web会議システムに登録可能な人数には限りがありますので、是非お早めにお申し込み下さい.
日時:2020年3月18日(水) 14:00 – 14:30
講演タイトル:Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques:
Toward an Intelligent Medical System
JSME-IU Global seminar series 2019
-Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs (1)-
Presenter: Prof. Hongen Liao, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Title: Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Toward an Intelligent Medical System
Aimed at promoting research globalization and global exposure among members, JSME International Union (JSME IU) is happy to announce the organization of a webinar on “Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs”, open to all interested persons. This will be a compact webinar to be delivered via a web conferencing system. Hence, you can participate online from wherever you are and at your own ease.
This time we have the pleasure of inviting Prof. Hongen Liao, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Prof. Liao, who was once an international student in Japan and now a renowned PI, will not only introduce us to his outstanding research undertakings but also share with us his insights into career development and research opportunities available in China. With China poised to rise to the top as a global leader in research and development, this live webinar presents an invaluable opportunity to listen to a lecture by a leading figure in the Chinese scientific community, as well as to gather firsthand information about research opportunities which may be handy in shaping future career choices, especially for early-career researchers/engineers. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to interact with, and gain exciting fresh ideas and research experiences from Prof. Liao.
Since the Web conference system has limited capacity, connections will be allocated on a first-come-first serve basis. So please apply NOW to secure your chance.
Date : March 18th (Wed), from 14:00 to 14:30
(Presentation time: 15 min, Q&A 15 min)
Venue : WEBINAR (Live streaming; you can connect from your own PC)
Target : Any interested person can participate
Number of participants: 30
Participation fee: Free
Lecturer: Prof. Hongen Liao
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Lecture Title: Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Toward an Intelligent Medical System
-Research presentation (15 min)
-Question-and-answer session (15 min)
Note: Participants are invited to post questions for the speaker prior to the event.
Language: English
- An electronic terminal (a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) that is compatible with the WebEX system is required to attend the online seminar. For more information, please check WebEX website via the link below.
- Account information, information on how to connect to the WebEX seminar portal etc. will be communicated to registered participants by e-mail a day before the presentation day.
- Participants are invited to post questions for the speaker prior to the event.
- Because this seminar will be streamed live, unexpected network problems or poor network connection may result in abrupt cancellation of the seminar. Also, depending on your internet network, you may experience connection problems, interruptions, or fail to access the seminar altogether. We thank you for your understanding in advance.
Please register here
For lecturer summary, click here
See the report