Keynote Papers
Modeling and Diagnostics of Combustion in Spark-Ignition EnginesF.V. Bracco | |
Computer Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Engines, Progress and Prospects A.D. Gosman |
New Diagnostic Techniques in Engine Combustion Research
D.L. Hartley and T.M. Dyer |
Some Diagnostic Methods Applied to Air-Fuel Mixing Processes in Internal Combustion Engines, and Their Phenomenological Modelling
J.C. Dent |
Diesel Engine Combustion and Its Modeling
H. Hiroyasu |
Time-Resolved Electrical and Spectroscopic Study of Very Short Spark Discharges A. Borghese, A. D’alessio, G. Russo and C. Venitozzi |
Characterization of Ultra-Short High Current Sparks for Ignition Systems M. Alden, P. Grafstrom, H.M. Hertz, G.S. Holmstedt, T. Hogberg, G. Russberg and S. Svanberg |
Transient Fuel Supply Characteristics in a Carburetted SI Engine under Accelerating Conditions Y. Hohsho, H. Nakai and T. Kadota |
Analysis of Turbulent Flow Paramenters in a Motored Automotive Engine A.E. Catania and A. Mittica |
Velocity Measurements of Gas Flow in a Cylinder of Spark-Ignition Engine by L.D.V. with Fiber-Optic Pick-up T. Obokata |
In-Cylinder Measurement of Turbulence by Laser Homodyne Principle M. Ikegami, M. Shioji, D.Y. Wei and M. Sugiura |
Determination of Droplet Size Distribution and Volume Density Distribution in High-Concentration Jet Sprays Using Bi-Directional Light-Scattering Image Processing Method I. Shimizu and Y. Emori |
Visualization of Spray Structure by Means of Computed Tomography M. Nakayama and T. Araki |
A Pulsed-laser Holography Study of the Evaporating Diesel Spray in a High Pressure Bomb K. Nishida, N. Murakami and H. Hiroyasu |
A Photographic Study of Soot Formation and Combustion in a Diesel Flame with a Rapid Compression Machine Y.J. Chang, H. Kobayashi, K. Matsuzawa and T. Kamimoto |
Thermal Radiation During Spray Combustion Behind Reflected Shock Waves T. Tsuboi, M. Fukushima, T. Sato and T. Oguri |
A Parametric Analysis of Radiation Heat Transfer in Direct Injection Diesel Combustion S.L. Chang, X.L. Yang and K.T. Rhee |
Flow Pattern and Velocity Distribution in a Spark Ignited Internal Combustion Engine Y. Morita, T. Sasahara and K. Ohtake and R.F. Sawyer |
Analysis of In-Cylinder Air Motion with LDV Measurement and Multi-Dimensional Modeling T. Itoh, Y. Takagi, T. Ishida, S. Ishizawa and T. Ishikawa |
LDV Measurement of Swirl Flow in Internal Combustion Engines J. Katoh, Y.Ohkubo, M.Ohtsuka and K. Sugiyama |
A Comparison of Three Turbulence Models in Engine-Like Geometries S.H. El-Tahry |
Numerical Simulation of Vortex Flow in Piston Engines H. Henke and D. Hanel |
A Modified K-¸ Turbulence Model for In-Cylinder Gas Flow H. Kido, K. Nakashima, H. Tajima and T. Kitagawa |
Combustion Diagnostics by Electronic Interferometry Using a CCD Image Sensor M. Yonemura and Y. Yamamoto |
Fundamental Study of CARS Thermometry S. Iguchi, S. Furuno, T. Inoue and M. Hanabusa |
Burn-Rate Measurement of Methane-Air Mixture in a Spherical Vessel by a Diode-Laser Absorption Spectrometry R. Koga, M. Kosaka, H. Sano, Y. Hamamoto and E. Tomita |
Preliminary Study of Flame Structure in an Internal Combustion Engine Using 2-D Flow Visualization A.O. zur Loye, F.V. Bracco and D.A. Santavicca |
An Application of Laser Diagnostics to the Study of End-Gas Autoignition and Engine Knock R.M. Green and R.P. Lucht |
On Characteristics of Impulse Swirl Meter S. Tanabe, H. Iwata and Y. Kashiwada |
Effect of Inlet Port Geometry on Turbulent Air Flow in the Combustion Chamber of a D.I. Diesel Engine C. Bertoli, F.E. Corcione, G. Police and G. Valentino |
Prediction of Three-Dimensional Fluid Motions During Intake Process and Swirl Ratios in Four-Cycle Engines K. Nishiwaki |
Numerical Predication of Effect of Intake Port Configurations on the Induction Swirl Intensity by Three-Dimensional Gas Flow Analysis Y. Isshiki, Y. Shimamoto and T. Wakisaka |
An Engine Simulator for Laser Diagnostic Studies of One-Dimensional Turbulent Flame Propagation P.O. Witze |
A Turbulent Burning Law Derved From Combustion Experiments D.P. Hoult and V.H. Nguyen |
Fundamental Study on the Modeling of Flame Propagation in Constant Volume Vessels M. Kono, T. Tsukamoto and K. Iinuma |
Chemistry of the Auto-Ignition in Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures up to Octane and Its Relation to Engine Knock C. Esser, U. Maas and J. Warnatz |
Further Investigation of Knock Intensity by a Thermodynamic Model and Experiments Using a Rapid Compression Machine S. Shiga, M. Kono, K. Iinuma, T. Karasawa and T. Kurabayashi |
Effect of Combustion Chamber Configuration on In-Cylinder Air Motion of D.I. Diesel Engine M. Shimoda, M. Shigemori and S. Tsuruoka |
Studies on Combustion of Fuel Spray Injected from Constant Pressure System with Single Compression Machine Y. Wakuri, S. Ono, E. Murase and Z. Wang |
Study of High Speed Diesel Engine Combustion Using High Speed Photography- Attempt to Obtain All Aspects of Combustion and Its Improvement K. Kanairo, N. Hirakouchi, M. Sekino and H. Nakagawa |
Heat Release Model Based on Combustion Phenomena H. Tanabe, H. Sugihara, M. Kawakami, N. Iida, H. Fujimoto and G.T. Sato |
A Simple Correlation for Mixing and Combustion Rates in Diesel Engines T. Ahmad and A.C. Alkidas |
Combustion Modelling and Performance Prediction of Medium Speed Diesel Engine B. Xiao, C.J. Tong and B.Z. Li |
The Effect of Swirl on Spark-Ignition Engine Combustion Y. Hamamoto, E. Tomita, Y. Tanaka and T. Katayama |
A Fundamental Study on Charge Stratification Y. Daisho, A. Shimizu, T. Saito and K.H. Choi |
Effects of Fuel Blending Stocks and MTBE on Combustion Characteristics in a SI Engine C.P. Chiu, M.H. Lin, H.W. Wu and C.S. Lin |
An Examination of the Ignition Limits in a Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Methane G.A. Karim and I. Wierzba |
Schlieren Visualization of Exhaust Gas Motion and Mixing in the Exhaust System of a Single Cylinder Methanol Fueled S.I. Engine K. Ito, O. Fujita and T. Shibanuma |
Combustion Modeling and Cycle Simulation of Divided-Chamber Diesel Engines E.Q. Xu and H. Zhao |
Effect of Flame Discharge through a Passageway on Rate of Heat Release in IDI Engine Y. Ito, J. Senda, H. Fujimoto and K. Terada |
A Simulation Model for the Determination of the Air Cell Size of DI Diesel Engines as One of the Means to Control Soot Emission W.S. Young and J.C. Chang |
Numerical Prediction of Flow in Swirl Chamber of Diesel Engines G. Komatsu and M. Takata |
The Effect of Piston Bowl Offset on the Compression-Induced Air Motion in Direct Injection Diesel Engine Combustion Chambers R.J.R. Johns |
Estimation of Flame Propagation in Spark-Ignition Engine by Using Turbulent Burning Model S.Ohyagi, Y. Harigaya, K. Kakizaki and F. Toda |
Prediction of Combustion in Spark Ignition Engine by Simulation Model S. Kono, H. Motooka and A. Nagao |
Simulation of Combustion in SI-Engines under Unconventional Operating Conditions by Means of a Quasidimensional Model and Experimental Verification M. Roder and A. Brohmer |
Diagnosing the Real Performance Impact of Diesel Engine Design Parameter Variation (A Primer in the Use of Second Law Analysis) R.J. Primus and P.F. Flynn |
Problems of Pressure Indication in Internal Combustion Engines R. Pischinger and G.Krassnig and J. Glaser |
Combustion Chamber Pressure Oscillations as a Source of Diesel Engine Noise K. Schmillen and M. Schneider |
Combustion Simulations of Direct Injection Diesel Engine Having eMf Type Combustion Chamber D.I. Lee |
Study on Prediction of Four Stroke Diesel Engine Performance -Cycle Simulation Using Heat Release Model- T.S. Oh, J.S. Yang and S.Z. Oh |
A Diagnostic Model for the Combustion of Seed Oils in Diesel Engines H.C. Watson, S. Kumar, E.Milkins and J. Edsell |
Heavy Fuel Composition and Its Influence on the Energy Release in a Medium Speed Diesel Engine L. Th Collin, S. Dunert and J. Lundgren |
The Effects of Fuel Aromatic Structure on Diesel Combustion H.K. Ng and G.L. Borman |
Combustion Process of Alcohol Diesel Engine S. Kobayashi, M. Hori, M. Konno and Y.K. Kim |
A Combustion Model for a Dual Fuel Direct Injection Diesel Engine V. Thyagarajan and M.K. Gajendra Babu |