Advanced Sustainable Cities/Roadmap Committee
In accordance with the "Advanced Sustainable Cities" that was the primary theme of IWEE (International Workshop on Environment and Engineering) 2009, the WG on advanced sustainable cities was established as a cross-organization entity comprising of four technical committees, to improve the functions of cities from the environmental engineering standpoint, and discuss the ideal methods and possibilities with regard to urban infrastructure for the next generation. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the WG focused its discussions particularly on disaster prevention security, and designed proposals with regard to urban functions focusing on waste incineration plants, which can be used as a base for housing residents and continuing energy services, at the time of a disaster.
Thereafter, the WG continued activities as an advanced sustainable cities/roadmap committee, and is currently engaged in envisaging urban status 30 years in the future and preparing a roadmap with regard to environmental engineering to establish an advanced sustainable city.