Membership Fee Exemption

Students in a doctoral program are qualified as Member. However, they are eligible for exemption in the membership fees, which would be the amount equivalent to that of student members.

Please fill in the below form , upload a picture of your student ID, and submit the form.

*Adult students in a doctoral program are also eligible for the application.


【The 2025 acceptance has expired.】

Initiation Fee/Annual Membership Fee

Initiation fee Apply in
Jan. – Mar.
Apply in
Apr. – Jun.
Apply in
Jul. – Sep.
Apply in
Oct. to Dec.
Membership fee exemption ¥1,000 ¥2,400(Total ¥3,400) ¥3,600(Total ¥4,600)*
¥3,600(Total ¥4,600)
includes Magazine Subscriptions
¥4,800(Total ¥5,800)*
includes Magazine Subscriptions

*The annual membership fee for the next full year is included.


The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Information Department
KDX Iidabashi Square 2nd Floor
4-1 Shin-ogawamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0814, Japan