Code of Ethics
We members of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers pursue our mission of contributing to the progress of civilization and culture and to the safety, health, and welfare of humankind by seeking for truth and innovating technology, and creating new values. We recognize that science and technology have a serious influence on the global environment and human society. We recognize that behavior with conscience and common sense is essential to promote technology and human welfare. We vow to observe the following ethical principles.
Social responsibility
Members shall recognize that our profession as engineers is founded on the society’s reliance and entrustment on our technical capabilities and conscience and place the first priority on the safety, health, and welfare of the public. We shall strive for research and development of the technologies that society finds truly necessary. We shall also be responsible for the quality, reliability, and safety of products, technologies, and intellectual products, as well as for the preservation of the environment.
Self-improvement as engineering professionals
Members shall strive for continuous improvement of their capabilities as engineering professionals as well as of their personality. We shall use our professional knowledge for the realization of a rich society, and will deal in good faith with the public, employers and clients. In this way, we strive to maintain and improve our dignity and social trust.
Fairness in activities
Members shall place importance on fairness in the course of planning, applying, implementing, reporting, and other such processes. We shall take stringent management in recording and preserving the research data, and will not commit or participate in injustice such as fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. We shall execute the our duties from objective and fair positions that are not influenced by particular authorities, organizations.
Compliance with laws and ordinances
Members shall comply with social norms, laws, ordinances, and relevant regulations in executing their duties.
Observance of contracts and agreements
Members shall observe contracts and agreements with employers and contractors and take responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of information obtained in their duties.
Disclosure of information
Members shall strive to predict and evaluate the effect of plans or projects on humankind, society, and the environment. When there is a possibility of damage to the public safety, health, welfare, or environment, members shall disclose the information according to their own conscience and beliefs.
Avoidance of conflicts of interest
Members shall avoid conflicts of interest with employers or contractors. If there is a possibility of conflict of interest, we shall disclose all information to them with an emphasis on accountability and fairness.
Assurance of fairness
Members shall not discriminate against individuals because of their race, gender, age, position, institutional affiliation, philosophy, religion, or other such factors. We shall respect human rights, individuality and the freedom of the individual, and treat all people fairly.
Mutual cooperation and respect between professionals
Members shall cooperate with others for the mutual improvement. We shall listen with modesty to criticism relating to our profession, avoid unfair competition, and engage in discussion with an attitude of sincerity. We shall also make fair evaluations of the achievement done by others, refrain from violating intellectual property rights, obtaining private information by improper means and making improper use of it. When results are produced by multiple people, we shall respect the contributions of all contributors.
Protection of the subject and cooperators
Members shall respect the human rights and individuality of subjects and cooperators of research, and shall give consideration to their safety, their welfare, the protection of private information, and so on. We shall treat animals with consideration for their suffering. We also treat living creatures with consideration for the effects on the ecosystem.
Development of the professional environment
We member shall be aware that maintaining and developing a work environment of fairness that prevents corruption is our important obligation. We shall take active part in measures to improve the work environment for our own organization or institution as well as for the community of engineers.
Education and public enlightenment
Members shall use their professional knowledge and experience to guide and nurture the engineers and researchers of the future. They shall also make an effort to publicize their intellectual product by means of commentary, lectures, publications, and so on, as a contribution to public enlightenment.
Adopted :December 14, 1999
Revised: December 11, 2007
Revised: January 16, 2013