Human augmentation is a relatively new field of study that has primarily been developed by engineers who are interested in developing new wearable or attachable technology that can acutely augment human function beyond the natural condition. Scientists would then be interested in understanding how humans can chronically adapt to such augmenting technology for effective use. The chronic adaptation may not only upgrade but also degrade the existing natural functions eventually. To further expand human capability, it might also help uncover and cultivate unused or unnoticed human functions. With future progresses in scientific understanding of human adaptations to augmenting technology, engineers will have an access to important knowledge that helps improve the design and development of augmenting technology. Thus, human augmentation is an attractive field of study that would promote collaborations between engineers and scientists especially on human sensorimotor function. Such collaborations would also allow for the reformation of physical education-from the learning of physical activity to that of human augmentation and adaptation, perhaps including laboratory sessions. From my standpoint as a scientist in human neuromuscular physiology and a former physical education instructor (and a current gymnastics coach), I plan to introduce and discuss these thoughts and examples in the field of human sensorimotor augmentation and adaptation.
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現職:ジョージア工科大学 理学部生物科学科 准教授
略歴:東京大学で教育学学士(体育学健康教育学),教育学修士(体育学スポーツ科学),学術博士(総合文化/広域科学)を取得.東京大学助手(保健体育),コロラド大学客員助教授(身体運動科学・応用生理学),ペンシルヴァニア州立大学研究員(身体運動科学),コロラド大学シニア研究員(統合生理学)を経て現職.大学体育奨励賞(全国大学体育連合), Research Career Enhancement Award(アメリカ生理学会)などを受賞.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 副編集長,アメリカスポーツ医学会フェロー,超人スポーツアカデミー委員.書籍オーグメンテッド・ヒューマン(暦本純一監修,NTS, 2018)にて「適応拡張によるスポーツマン・オーグメンテーション」を分担執筆.女子新体操アメリカナショナルチームコーチ.