Main Page Program &
Floor plan
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Hotel Reservation
Abstract &
Access to

Abstract & Presentation

Presentation Format

  • Longer oral presentations are to be given by invited speakers - on an invited basis.
  • Short oral presentations and/or poster display are to be given by general participants - on a submission basis. Please provide your priority into the registration form, but be kindly noted that decisions are left to the local organizing committee.
  • Abstract Submission

    Abstract submission Deadline: Friday, 17 March, 2023 Friday, 24 March, 2023 (Extended)

    Presenting authors are requested to submit an abstract according to the instructions described in the template file.

  • Please download the template file and replace the relevant text with your own. Abstracts must not exceed one page.
  • Please email your abstract in PDF format to the workshop office at "" with the subject line "JSB2023 abstract". The maximum allowable size of the PDF file is 3 MB. Abstracts will be printed exactly as submitted.
  • Please include the following information in the body with this form: your full name, title, affiliations, and e-mail address.
  • Guideline for Speakers

    Oral Presentation:

    Longer oral presentation for 20 min (15 min talk and 5 min Q/A)
    Short oral presentation for 10 min (7 min talk and 3 min Q/A)
    A VGA 15 pin and HDMI connector cable will be available.

    Poster Presentation:

    Oral flash presentation for 3 min within 3 slides followed by poster presentation with viewing and discussion.

    Wednesday, August 30, 2023
    Oral flash presentation: 10:40 – 11:40, Jukai
    Poster presentation: 13:00 – 14:00, Foyer

    Please note the followings:
    For oral flash presentation
  • Please upload your ppt file to a workshop computer in advance.
  • File name should be “Poster number_Family name.ppt/pptx”. Poster number is listed in the proceedings.
  • The uploading procedure will be announced at the venue.
  • For poster presentation
  • The maximum poster size is A0 (841 mm (W) × 1189 mm (H)).
  • Pins will be provided.
  • Posters can be set up from 14:00 am on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 and be removed by 14:00 on Friday, September 1, 2023.
  • The poster number will be attached to the top of the board.
  • Any poster remaining after the workshop will be removed by the workshop office.