
(1)ニュースレター27号(1999.1)にて論文募集いたしましたJSME International Journal Series C「Bioengineering」特集号が9月15日に発行されます(Vol.42, No.3, 1999)。皆さまから寄せられた40数件の最新の論文が掲載されておりますのでご期待ください。


Title: Data Book on Mechanical Properties of Living Cells, Tissues, and Organs
Editors: Hiroyuki Abe, Kozaburo Hayashi, and Masaaki Sato
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Tokyo (Tel: 03-3812-0757 Fax:03-3812-0719)
Year: 1996
ISBN: 4-431-70175-3
Pages: 436 pages incl. author index
Price: JPY14,000
This data book has been published to offer accurate and useful data on the mechanical properties of living cells, tissues , and organs to biomechanical scientists, biomedical engineers, medical scientists, and clinicians. The data are presented in graphs and tables (one type of data per page, totally more than 400 data) arranged in an easily accessible manner, along with details of the origin of the material and the experimental method.



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