日本機械学会 バイオエンジニアリング部門 ML登録者 各位 九州工業大学の高嶋と申します. メーリングリストをお借りいたしまして, 来年2019年6月に東北大学にて開催される 国際会議CMBE19についてご案内申し上げます. ===================================================================- Dear colleague, As CMBE committee member, we would be extremely grateful if you forward this email to anyone who may be interested. It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract for the 6th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE19), to be held between 10-12 June at Tohoku University, Katahira Campus, Sendai City, Japan. You can submit your abstract for consideration as a poster or oral presentation in a standard session, or in one of the 26 dedicated sessions (mini-symposia), please consult the list at http://www.compbiomed.net/2019/mini-symposia-list-2019.htm. Details on the CMBE Series, templates and instructions for abstract submission can be found on-line at http://www.compbiomed.net/2019/abstract-submission-(general).htm. AWARDS For more details on the CMBE Best PhD Award in Biomedical Engineering, please consult http://www.compbiomed.net/2019/cmbe-awards.htm. More information is also available on the CMBE Best Poster Presentation Award. IMPORTANT DATES Four pages abstract submission deadline: 1 February 2019, Early bird registration deadline: 12 April 2019, Conference dates: 10-12 June 2019. CONFIRMED PLENARY SPEAKERS Roger Kamm, MIT, USA Shinya Goto, Tokai University, Japan Mark Chaplain, University of St Andrews, UK CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Rajat Mittal, John Hopkins University, USA Liesbet Geris, University of Leuven, Belgium Joao Tavares, University of Porto, Portugal Irene Vignon-Clementel, INRIA, France Anne Robertson, University of Pittsburgh, USA Kimiko Yamamoto, The University of Tokyo, Japan We look forward to welcoming you in Sendai City, CMBE19 Committee and Co-Chairs Perumal Nithiarasu Makoto Ohta Marie Oshima =================================================================== 皆様のご参加をお待ちしております. よろしくお願いいたします. -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 九州工業大学 大学院生命体工学研究科 生体機能応用工学専攻 生体メカニクス講座     高嶋 一登(Kazuto TAKASHIMA)    〒808-0196 福岡県北九州市若松区ひびきの2-4 TEL/FAX:093-695-6030   E-mail: ktakashima@life.kyutech.ac.jp http://www.life.kyutech.ac.jp/~ktakashima/  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++