====================================================================== ENGINEERING NEWS IN BRIEF E-Mail Newsletter No.77 Issued by the Asian TOP Panel, May 2008 The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES) The Institution of Engineers, Indonesia (PII) The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) ====================================================================== According to the agreement made in the 2nd Asian TOP Panel Meeting, the ENGINEERING NEWS IN BRIEF (E-mail newsletter) has now been edited by the JSME for the year 2008. ====================================================================== [Contents] 1) SEMSOR: Sales and Excellent Maintenance System of Rope -Constant Remote Monitoring System for Wire Rope Breakage- (Source: JSME) 2) Machining Characteristic Using Non-contact XY Planar Positioning System (Source: JSME) 3) Improving the Fuel Spray and the Combustion on Diesel Engine (Source: JSME) 4) Procedure of Sound Quality Design of Machine (Source: JSME) 5) New Concept Car Featuring Multiple Preventative Features Designed to Help Reduce Drunk Driving (Source: JSME) 6) Smartway 2007 Demo -Toward the World's Safest and Comfort Road- (Source: JSME) 7) Art Exhibit was Held: Mechanical Engineering Art 2007 -Visual Art in Engineering Research- (Source: JSME) 8) Toward the Rebirth of Solar Thermal in Japan -Learn from Fraunhofer ISE- (Source: JSME) 9) Design Education and Digital Engineering (Source: JSME) 10) Research on Smooth Filling Algorithm of Large Holes in Triangular Mesh Model (Source: CMES) 11) Fuzzy Distribution of Braking Forces in United Braking System of Downhill Automobile at Constant Speed (Source: CMES) 12) 2008 Beijing Essen Welding and Cutting Fair held in Beijing this May (Source: CMES) 13) The Effect of Micro Nano Multi-Scale Structures on the Surface Wettability (Source: KSME) 14) Hydrodynamic Performance Test of a Turbopump Assembly (Source: KSME) 15) Optimization of Evaporator for a Vapor Compression Cooling System for High Heat Flux CPU (Source: KSME) ======================================================================== 1) SEMSOR: Sales and Excellent Maintenance System of Rope -Constant Remote Monitoring System for Wire Rope Breakage- Ryosuke YAMADA, TOKYO ROPE MFG.CO.LTD Wire rope plays a key role in the operation of cranes and various machines. Wire rope breakage sometimes causes serious problem. We have developed our own advanced wire rope maintenance system to prevent from sudden wire rope breakage. This system contains wire rope tester, position measurement tool, control unit and Internet transmission system. Although Magnetic flux leakage method for detecting breakage has been used for a long time and partially, we have invented new technology to increase its accuracy and discriminate between real signal and noise from actual waveform. SEMSOR has materialized the following features, 1) Liberation from burden of rope-related work 2) Monitoring wire rope at all times to detect the element wire breakage and the increasing tendency of wire breakage 3) Constant acquisition of the rope condition based on remote monitoring system. 4) Preventing unexpected accidents and stoppage of facilities in an emergency 5) Scheduling the periodical inspection and time of replacement We wish safe and reliable operation through SEMSOR. ======================================================================== 2) Machining Characteristic Using Non-contact XY Planer Positioning System Hayato YOSHIOKA, TOKYO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The demands of fine-machining processes are continually increasing in a wide range of industries. This paper introduces an example of machining characteristic using non-contact XY planar positioning system author developed. Because the XY planar positioning system which uses voice coil motors and aerostatic bearings eliminates error factors in the system such as friction, it is easy to identify the system parameters and to control the table position. In addition, a cutting force compensator using disturbance observer is also installed in the position controller. The results of actual machining tests confirmed that the developed table system has nano-positioning capability even under machining conditions. ======================================================================== 3) Improving the Fuel Spray and the Combustion on Diesel Engine Tomoaki YATSUFUSA, TOKUSHIMA UNIVERSITY Diesel engine is one of the hopeful technologies to reduce the CO2 emission from automotives. However, diesel engine should be improved to adapt the emission regulation that has been being strict. Improving the fuel spray and the combustion on diesel engine is essential to reduce the harmful compositions in diesel exhaust gases such as NOx and PM. In the present topic, investigation of the mechanisms of formation and combustion on diesel spray by using rapid compression machine and a few varieties of optical systems for visualization would be noted. Some example images from the experiments were also listed in the topic. The important information of the mechanisms was obtained by these series of experiment. ======================================================================== 4) Procedure of Sound Quality Design of Machine Koichi OHTOMI, TOSHIBA CORPORATION It is important to put pleasant sound into machine such as vacuum cleaner, copier, and etc. for high value products. However, it is difficult to obtain pleasant sound by traditional sound design based on trial-and-error method. This paper describes the strategic machine sound design and its application to real products. This paper shows a procedure of sound quality design of machine. Procedure is divided into two approaches. One is a sensory evaluation to determine psychological metrics expressing pleasant sound from the view point of human sensory. Sensory evaluation is performed by Semantic Differential (SD) Method. Psychological metrics can be defined through statistical evaluation by using results of SD Method. The other is a physical evaluation to determine physical metrics. The Sound Quality Metrics analysis defined by Zwicker can be applied to physical evaluation. The four sound quality metrics, Loudness, Sharpness, Roughness, and Fluctuation strength, are determined by this analysis. Physical metrics can be defined through statistical evaluation by using four sound quality metrics. Target sound to realize pleasant sound is determined in Psychological Metrics Domain. However, in order to transmit "Target Sound" information to machine designer, we should express target sound as physical metrics. Therefore we should map target sound from psychological domain to physical domain by statistical evaluation. ======================================================================== 5) New Concept Car Design Featuring Multiple Preventative Features Designed to Help Reduce Drunk Driving Masaaki KOBAYASHI, NISSAN MOTOR CO.,LTD Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. has revealed a new concept car featuring multiple preventative features designed to help reduce drunk driving. The various technologies are designed to detect the driver's state of sobriety to set the driver free from breath alcohol detection devices and to activate a range of preventive measures including immobilization of the vehicle. This concept car has three features to detect drunk driving, which are Alcohol Odor Sensors, Facial monitoring System and Driving Behavior monitoring System. Alcohol Odor Sensors are able to detect the presence of alcohol in the air inside the vehicle cabin. Facial monitoring System is calibrated to monitor the driver's state of consciousness through the blinking of the eyes. Driving Behavior monitoring System can identify signs of inattentiveness or distraction of the driver. The concept car was developed as an exploratory platform to showcase breakthrough technologies that could potentially be applied in future production cars. This is part of an ongoing program from Nissan contributing towards the prevention of drunk driving. ======================================================================== 6) Smartway 2007 Demo -Toward the World's Safest and Comfort Road- Atsushi YAMADA, Setsuo HIRAI, Hideto HATAKENAKA, Yasuyuki MANABE, Sadayoshi NISHII NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LAND AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Based on the proposal of the Smartway Project Advisory Committee, which were summarized as "ITS Enter the Second Stage" , The Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport have conducted joint research and development in on-board and roadside ITS units with private company since February 2005 and the Smartway Open Trial "Demo 2006" in December 2006. The services and systems were examined in on-road tests conducted on the Metropolitan Expressway since May 2005 and demonstrated at "Smartway 2007 Demo" in October 2007. People involved in ITS and members of the public was invited to try them out. ======================================================================== 7) Art Exhibit was Held: Mechanical Engineering Art 2007 -Visual Art in Engineering Research- Yoshihiro NARITA, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY Most of the readers in engineering community may think that Mechanical Engineering and Modern Art are regarded as the far opposites. But when you go to modern art museums, you occasionally have a question "Is this really an art?." Then this experience may lead you to an opinion that if this is an art, we see many artistic scenes in the process of mechanical engineering research. Based on this idea, Hokkaido Branch in JSME started an art exhibit titled Mechanical Engineering Art 2007 with a subtitle Visual Art in Engineering Research. Twenty pictures were chosen in the exhibit among more candidates applied in Hokkaido. These were beautiful pictures taken in the course of experimental and computational research, and included variety of phenomena ranging from nano to macro scales. The first exhibit was open to common citizens in the early February 2007 (at Snow Festival time) in Sapporo City Art Gallery, and was followed by exhibits at four different locations till summer of 2007. These pictures have also appeared in serial articles in Hokkaido Shinbun (newspaper with circulation of 1.2 million). Thus this unprecedented project was very successful in connecting two different concepts and in attracting citizens' attention to mechanical engineering. ======================================================================== 8) Toward the Rebirth of Solar Thermal in Japan - Learn from Fraunhofer ISE - Noboru YAMADA, NAGAOKA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY State-of-art solar thermal technology in Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Systems is briefly introduced by the author who stayed in the institute. Fraunhofer ISE is the most prestigious organization in the field of solar energy engineering (http://www.ise.fraunhofer.de) . In terms of solar thermal, they have developed the advanced solar collector test facilities for European quality standard "Solar Keymark" and now developing a new system which can evaluate high temperature (>200 degree C) solar collector. They are also developing new collector technologies. FracTherm is very interesting and unique technology which makes the evolution on building integrated collector. Compact linear Fresnel collector produces industrial process heat more than 200 degree C, which can be efficiently used with absorption cooling system. Turn our eyes to Japan, there is no collector test facility and R&D of solar thermal is in stagnation. However, Tokyo metropolitan government has decided to vigorously encourage solar thermal system installation under the renewable energy policy issued in 2007. NEDO has begun investigation of solar thermal situations in European countries. We should learn about not only Fraunhofer ISE's technology but also their diligent attitude for solar thermal energy. ======================================================================== 9) Design Education and Digital Engineering Tamotsu MURAKAMI, Tetsuya HAMAGICHI, Kohei KUSAKA, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO Present Japanese industries need advanced and creative design for value-added products, and design education at universities should train students' ability and intension not only for analysis of phenomena but also for creative and distinctive design. This article first shows simple statistical rates of engineering students' preferences in the authors' class for creative design, well-balanced design, analysis, and possession of knowledge/information. Then the authors suggest the necessity of design education both for keeping minimum indispensable expertise of all students and for developing advanced expertise of some best students to the maximum. As examples of design education by the authors utilizing digital engineering tools, such as CAD, CAE, RP (rapid prototyping) and CAM, this article briefly describes two regular courses and one extracurricular activity. As a concluding remark, utilization of engineering design promotion program provided by some software vendors is suggested. ======================================================================== 10) Research on Smooth Filling Algorithm of Large Holes in Triangular Mesh Model Wei Zhengliang, Zhong Yuexian, Yuan Chaolong, Li Renju Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Tsinghua University To large holes on the area where curvature variation is complex, the laboratory presented a smooth holes filling algorithm based on surface fitting. First the basic feature information of hole was achieved and hole was directly filled according to its boundary; then new sample points were acquired inside hole by mesh sub-division ad optimization; finally the position of every sample point was adjusted by its withed surface fitting. Application examples prove that excellent repair mesh can be achieved by this algorithm. It well approximates the original surface and smoothly transits to the original neighbor mesh. Key words: 3D measurement; triangular mesh; hole repairing; surface fitting ======================================================================== 11) Fuzzy Distribution of Braking Forces in United Braking System of Downhill Automobile at Constant Speed Zhao Yingsheng, He Ren, Wang Yongtao Jiangsu University The conception of automobile united braking system was brought forward, and the dynamics model of downhill automobile and thermodynamics model of eddy-current retarder and primary brakes were established. Based on these models, a fuzzy distributor of braking forces of the united braking system was designed, which dynamically distributed braking forces between the eddy-current retarder and the primary brakes according to the temperature of the retarder rotor plate and the primary brakes. The simulation calculation results of an actual vehicle at different initial running situations show the united braking system, comparing to the retarder only or the primary brakes only, can effectively alleviate the temperature burden of the retarder rotor plate and the primary brakes, and prove that the fuzzy distributor designed can control the brake arrangements temperature to guaranty the braking efficiency. Key words: united braking system; brake; eddy current retarder; temperature; fuzzy ======================================================================== 12) 2008 Beijing Essen Welding and Cutting Fair held in Beijing Beijing Essen Welding and Cutting 2008 (The 13th International Welding and Cutting Fair) was successfully held from May 14th to May 17th, in the Beijing International Exhibition Center. Serving as a broad technical and business platform, the fair displayed world-advanced welding and cutting equipments and technology, with seminars and technical forums of the field, attracting more and more professional exhibitors and visitors home and abroad. For more detailed information, please visit the fair website: http://essen.cmes.org. ============================================================ 13) The Effect of Micro Nano Multi-Scale Structures on the Surface Wettability Sang Min Lee, Im Deok Jung, Jong Soo Ko Pusan National University Surface wettability in terms of the size of the micro nano structures has been examined. To evaluate the influence of the nano structures on the contact angles, we fabricated two different kinds of structures: squarepillar-type microstructure with nano-protrusions and without nano-protrusions. Microstructure and nanostructure arrays were fabricated by deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) and reactive ion etching (RIE) processes, respectively. And plasma polymerized fluorocarbon (PPFC) was finally deposited onto the fabricated structures. Average value of the measured contact angles from microstructures with nanoprotrusions was 6.37 higher than that from microstructures without nano-protrusions. This result indicates that the nano-protrusions give a crucial effect to increase the contact angle. Key words: Superhydrophobic, Wettability, Micro Nano Structure, Lotus Effect, Contact Angle ============================================================ 14) Hydrodynamic Performance Test of a Turbopump Assembly Soon-Sam Hong, Dae-Jin Kim, Jin-Sun Kim, Jinhan Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute Hydrodynamic performance test of a turbopump for a liquid rocket engine is carried out. The turbopump is composed of an oxidizer pump, a fuel pump and a turbine, and the two pumps are driven by the turbine. In the test, water is used for the pumps as working media and air is used for the turbine. Performance parameters of pumps and a turbine are drawn, and a power balance between the pumps and the turbine are calculated. The calculation shows a good power balance, which implies that the pump component tests, the turbine component test and the assembly test are reliably performed. At the starting period of the test, pressure rise-flow rate curve of a pump gradually approaches the ideal curve that could be obtained by very slow starting. Key words: Turbopump, Pump, Turbine, Liquid Rocket Engine, Hydrodynamic Performance ============================================================ 15) Optimization of Evaporator for a Vapor Compression Cooling System for High Heat Flux CPU Seon-Chang Kim, Dong-Soon Jeon, Young-Lyoul Kim Korea Institute of Industrial Technology This paper presents the optimization process of evaporator for a vapor compression cooling system for high heat flux CPU. The CPU thermal capacity was given by 300W. Evaporating temperature and mass flow rate were 18 and 0.00182s/s respectively. R134a was used as a working fluid. Channel width(CW) and height(CH) were selected as design factors. And thermal resistance, surface temperature of CPU, degree of superheat, and pressure drop were taken as objective responses. Fractional factorial DOE was used in screening phase and RSM(Response Surface Method) was used in optimization phase. As a result, CW of 2.5o, CH of 2.5o, and CL of 484o were taken as an optimum geometry. Surface temperature of CPU and thermal resistance were 33 and 0.0502/W respectively. Thermal resistance of evaporator designed in this study was significantly lower than that of other cooling systems such as water-cooling system and thermosyphon system. It was found that the evaporator considered in this work is an excellent candidate for a high heat flux CPU cooling system. Key Words: Evaporator, Thermal Resistance, CPU Cooling, Fractional Factorial DOE, Response Surface Method ============================================================ Editor : International Affairs Committee Published by The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Shinanomachi-Rengakan Bldg, Shinanomachi 35, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0016, Japan FAX : 81-3-5360-3508 All Rights Reserved, Copyright C 2008 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers URL:http//www.jsme.or.jp [English Version] |
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