KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on Computational Mechanics & CAE 2015
Welcome to KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on CM & CAE 2015
Welcome to KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on Computational Mechanics & CAE 2015 to be held in Tokyo, Japan at the Nishi-Waseda Campus of Waseda University, October 26, 2015.
Organized by:
Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers, Japan
Co-organized by:
Korean Society for Mechanical Engineers, Korea
Waseda University, Japan
Sponsored by:

What's new?
September 18, 2015 Program is updated (Final version)
September 18, 2015 Sponsor Lunch Session is updated (Final version)
September 15, 2015 Welcome message from chair is added
August 21, 2015 Sponsor Lunch Session is added
August 21, 2015 Sponsor (Altair Engineering Ltd.) is added
August 3, 2015 Banquet is added
April 18, 2015 Symposium website opened